Joined Jan 1, 1970
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Honest Reflections of a Bloodbath

As my piercing gaze catches this fat, aging man on MSNBC desperately grasp at straws as to why Harry Reid winning re-election is a more significant development than a nation turning on the face of a dime, practically over night;

Or this Rachel Maddow, who reminds me strikingly of a certain Bolshevik Latvian actress who helped organize the Revolution, shout about how the Tea Party being inefficient at getting people elected somehow translates to a Democratic victory, as opposed to a merciful Republican draw;

Or Bill Richardson, harping about how Latino’s just love Democrats, despite the overbearing reality that the Latino culture’s social values make them conservative’s natural allies and the effect of the presence of Rubio (Richardson just said he’s disappearing from politics soon, if that says anything);

I am largely struck by two thoughts:

  1. Liberals are completely flustered by this development and will be spending the immediate future in disorganization.
  2. Nothing is changing.

The only strikingly honest comment that has come all night was from…surprise…Chris Matthews, when he said in frank assessment of the situation, that Obama talks far too much.  Indeed, Democrats do have a communication problem, but it isn’t their inability to frame the issues.  The more they talk about their ideological agenda, especially Obama, the less people will listen.  They are in power only for as long as they govern moderately.

It must be painful, not being able to do anything you actually want to.

I say the second thought because, frankly, even with a majority in the House, the prospects of moving legislation through the Senate and past a veto is absolutely bleak.  And, even if they did, I suspect they wouldn’t want to.

Change in this country will not come through willful attempts, but will rather be a product of the panic of uncompromising necessity.

Thankfully, I thrive in such an environment.

As to developments in the marketplace: it should now be blatantly obvious to everyone that healthcare reform will not be repealed, which means the stress on business shall forceably remain.  I suspect the markets were banking on Republicans revoking half the previous two years.  Ha!  Good luck with that, fools.  As to this election, I see no reason for the markets to believe that anything will be changing fundamentally, unless the president suddenly becomes a bleeding heart, businessman.

I’ll wait up for that announcement tonight, as the president flees to Asia so he can pretend he didn’t just totally fuck his allies.  Apparently, his presence doesn’t count for much after all…

Now enough about politics!  Watching these imbeciles suffer has been amusing, and I certainly enjoyed it; in a half drunken state, I’d add.  But really, you can only spend so much time relishing in the pain of vermin before degrading yourself into one.

Tomorrow, it is time to return to the great work at hand, which transcends anything these fools could possibly fathom.

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