Joined Jan 1, 1970
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Shippers become rippers when the commodities begin scalping short sellers.

I can’t sleep, too much going on in my mind. Particularly blogging and investing. I need to do more research, a curse of “over zealous men” is that at times they act impulsively. I need to delve deeper into the data, I need to make my wallet fatter.

I’m looking through shippers.

It slightly annoys me to see in the top 15 some shippers, 2 names that I sold before I left on the trip, while I still had the mentality of a migrant basic laborer. Those stocks are PRGN and DSX. Since I’m blessed and cursed by not being online, I’m going for bigger stocks, ones I don’t even have to think about after my initial due diligence has been done.

No. Ticker Price Tech. Fund. Hybrid Hybrid Change – Daily Hybrid Change – Weekly
1 TDW 46.24 1.67 5.10 3.14 3.97% -16.49%
2 DSX 14.83 1.19 4.80 2.74 -23.46% -6.16%
3 HOS 28.68 1.64 4.80 2.99 1.36% -6.81%
4 GASS 6.56 1.39 4.80 2.85 -0.70% 3.64%
5 CPLP 10.27 1.89 4.70 3.10 -15.76% -19.22%

The connection here is too slow, I can’t be bothered to post the charts. Even though I don’t know how to read a chart, I seem to like posting them, yes?  I’ll have you know I still think a doji is someone spelling dojo and making a typo and a candle stick is something you light at a hunting cabin.

I bought a starter in TDW about 47.5 minutes before the sell off from a day or so ago at $46.70. I’ll add to it with strength. 5.1/5 on fundamentals sounds ‘aight’ to this guy. These are ranked by fundamentals btw. I care little for daily hybrid % change when going as long as I’m going. Even if a stock gets off course temporarily, there is plenty of time for them to “right the ship”.

Off to drink litres of freshly squeezed orange juice and eat my usual green eggs & ham.

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