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Tag Archives: Massachusetts

God Bless Massachusetts



Y’all probably think I’m putting you on.

But I’m not.   I stand today in awe of the recuperative powers, the very resiliency of the American people.   Deep down, we are a people who almost universally subscribe to the simple concept of “leave me the fuck alone,” and let me just say, I love you all for it.

That Massachusetts, a state so reliably liberal Democrat that — in my lifetime –it has never been in play from the Republican side, could send such a resounding trumpet blast to those in the Washington D.C. power structure who would seek to usurp our liberty, well… it just has me kneeling in respect to our collective polity.

Thank you, Massachusetts.  Thank you for issuing the second “Shot heard ’round the world,” almost 235 years after the first.

God bless you all, and God bless the United States of America.


Market talk— looks like the dollar is picking up steam tonight.  Get ready for a possible dip tomorrow.   Opportunities will abound.  Cree, Inc. [[CREE]] crushed it, and Veeco Instruments Inc. [[VECO]] will be rewarded too.  Best to you.


Addendum: From the “This stuff never gets old department:”

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c4aQCiRjvZY 450 300]


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