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And the Results Start Rolling In


Outside the Fly’s Polling Place


I am back at the command post at long last, situated in front of the multiple cathode-ray and flat panel screen monitors, in order to BRING YOU THE ELECTION 2010 MIDTERM RESULTS!

It is now a little past 6:00 PM Eastern Time, and the polls are closing all across the Eastern Seaboard.  Early results are beginning to trickle in, and I will update you as they are “called” or at least semi-tabulated.

I am not going to mince the verbiage with you tonight — if the GOP doesn’t secure at least 50+ seats in this House election, I will consider today’s polling a failure.   The same with regard to the Senate — I would require at least 8 seats in the Republican column to be “encouraged” for the road forward for this country in 2011-12.   I’m optimistic, but optimistic about gridlock for the next two years, for first this Congress should “do no harm” to our country.

We will finish the job, God willing, in 2012.

Breaking:  Just caught Nancy Pelosi –smiling like a woman who thinks fossil fuels are made from ground up trilobites she found in the river bed on her ranch property– saying that she thinks the “great turnout” they’ve gotten today will secure her Speakership for the next two years.

It was a fake smile, in case you were wondering.

Updates: So far nothing  much from other states, but in my area, we are already showing Rand Paul with 55% of the early vote, vs. opponent Jack Conway’s 44%.

In Indiana Dan Coates, who came out of retirement to vie for Evan Bayh’s retiring Democrat Senate seat, is up 59% to 40% for Brad Ellsworth, his Dem opponent.   Both of these are expected pickups for the GOP, so no surprises as of yet.

Stay tuned for more action!


PS — Market wise, we Jacksonians kicked some butt today.  Amazingly, my SLW position had quintupled in size, all-in, since inception (the actual intitial buys are up over 10x).  My other picks in the PM sector continue to soar as the dollar rips lower.  I will continue to keep you informed as to my moves in that space, no worries.


BREAKING!!   Fox News calls two Senatorial Races — with 4% of the vote reporting Fox calls the Kentucky and Indiana Senatorial Races for Rand Paul and Dan Coates, respectively.   That’s one “hold” (for Jim Bunning’s “R” seat in Kentucky) and one “win” (for Evan Bayh’s “D” seat in Indiana) for the GOP.  One pickup, seven to go…. developing!


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Exercise Yo Franchise!

 Uncle Sam


I just voted and it was like nothing I’ve ever seen at my polling place, and I’m including Presidential elections in that analysis.  There was even an accident in the parking lot because the place (it’s a large local Temple) is just not set up to accomodate that kind of traffic. 

You had blue haired matrons bedecked in clanky gold bracelets and nose-pierced twenty-somethings smelling of day old Marlboros and Drank trying to negotiate the vast morass of eager to vote-humanity. 

It’s a beautiful thing.

That’s our democracy at work, and whatever our outcome today, you gotta love it.  It’s good to see people fired up and  involved in the process, because no matter what the cynical (mostly young) people say on these here internets, it does matter, and your vote can bring change to our on-the-ropes Republic.

If you don’t believe that, just look at what Nancy and Harry and Mr. Obama have done in four short years.   That’s a lot of repair work ahead of us, here in the U.S.   I know some of my wiser non-American correspondants also understand how critical this election is for their respective Free World countries as well.  

 Of course, we have our clueless-statist element here too.  I’m afraid they will be with us until the prospect of free money no longer becomes appealing. 

 But enough of that.  Today we have a chance to strike a blow for sovereign independence, property rights and limited government, so let’s take this golden opportunity to do so. 

Use that franchise wisely!


Request: I am curious to hear what you are all seeing at your polling places.  So if it’s not too much trouble, if you are an American, here or overseas, please let me know in the comments section a) if you have voted today (or by absentee) and b) what your polling place looked like today (disclose your location as much as you feel comfortable).

Thanks in advance and God Bless America… we sure do need it right now.


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Let’s Get Ready to Rumble!!

Some scenes from the Elective Wars.   This first is kind of incredible, actually.  Remember how Chrissy Matthews got “the tingle” up his little pasty white leg whenever he saw the Messiah bring the rain in a speech? 

Well, it seems that Little Chrissy Tingles has gotten a lot older in the past two years, and man has his attitude about his Messiah changed!

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_IVZw18lH7k&feature 450 300]

Who knows, maybe it’s the strain of working with Olbermann? (shrug)


This next one is a beaut.  Keep in mind, this is your Speaker of the House, ladies and gentlemen.  Never tell me again about dumb fringe Republicans like that cute little O’Donnell woman (who is not even going to win) when you have put this wombat in the Speaker’s chair. 
For the love of Pete, she doesn’t even realize that natural gas is a fossil fuel!

This is a daily double, though, because it shows Nancy is dumb and corrupt!  Check it:

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5Q8RynUbvU&feature 450 300]

Hey, at least she’s alert, no?


And last, here’s a great one that puts it all out there, Terminator II-movie-trailer-style!

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vNP8W_5YxU4&feature=related 450 300]

God bless and keep you all, and now get out there and vote these crumbs out tomorrow.  All of them! 


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Prepare the Bucket Brigade

Oh crap, that’s not water, is it?


Time to throw some water on the charade, ladies and gents.  Time to get back to some sensible economic thinking and, more important, practice.

Are you familiar with the 1099 fiasco attached to the recent Health Care Legislation?  Rather than wax bombastic on the errancy of the bill, it’s probably better I just lay it out here:

Section 9006 of the health care bill — just a few lines buried in the 2,409-page document — mandates that beginning in 2012 all companies will have to issue 1099 tax forms not just to contract workers but to any individual or corporation from which they buy more than $600 in goods or services in a tax year.


The stealth change radically alters the nature of 1099s and means businesses will have to issue millions of new tax documents each year.

This is just one provision of the 2,500 page healthcare law that was snuck in by conniving tax eating Dems looking to play hardball with the millions of American businesses.   That the 1099 provision would be an inefficient saddling of our business community with tonnes of useless paperwork is not even the most egregious quality of this directive…

No, the worst of it is that it reflects a fundamental distrust of the American business community.  A distrust so inbred and incapable of “change” that it results in laws that will not only throw sand in the cogs of our great commercial structure,  but will also create larger barriers to entry for the small business entrepreneurs that have ever been the font of innovation and new employment in our economy.

These are the kommisars, my friends.  They have come to take control, via oversight of your healthcare, and now of your commerce.   Tomorrow I may speak about the bill they are currently bruiting about that calls for a 1% transaction fee on all financial transactions, even simple banking measures.  

No worries, however, that 2% roundtrip tax on the deposit and withdrawl of your weekly paycheck is merely in keeping with “fiscal responsibility” and “deficit reduction.”   Because, as we all know folks, that’s the Democrats’ main priority, right?

Don’t tell me there’s no difference, folks.  



Gold’s holding up.  I will look to lighten on some of that massive ANV call position, probably tomorrow.   I will annouce any sales in The PPT and then in this blog.    Best to you all.


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Had Enough Yet?

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUQI5PzKPPs&feature=channel 450 300]

Some might be characterized as “half-truths.”

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLFSanvt_kg&feature=related 450 300]

Some as blustery bullcrap…

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQLXydnGbfk 450 300]

But then there’s the outright evil, completely in bad faith falsities.

Had enough yet, America?  Time to get serious again.

A simple primer, set to annoying music, for the kids:

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDRA3XFfDr4&feature=related 450 300]


(* Special Note:  The Gentleman at 3:05 is not Barack Obama.)


Breaking!  Samsonite Hamburglarette wants to become a College Perfessah (sic):

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obTNwPJvOI8&feature 450 300]

(these things never get old!)


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The Big Lie, Part CLXXVIII

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V2CaBR3z85c&feature=related 450 300]


This will have nothing to do with stocks, or the market, save for peripherally, so if you want to “Move On” to another blog post, I won’t be offended.   We are in electoral season, however, and I wanted to address a point that came up in tonight’s thread (previous post).

This would be the false contention that many registered “Independents” (really Dem leaners) will fall back upon in which they claim they are “socially liberal” and “fiscally conservative,”  and therefore cast their vote with those precepts in mind.

You would think this would make many of them libertarians, then, no?  Is this not the definition of a libertarian — that one only wants to be left alone, so as to better invest and spend their own hard earned lucre in the most beneficial and economic methods available to them?   “Live, and let live,” so to speak?

And yet, largely rational humans will  usually provide this explanation in order to justify voting for the greatest statists this country has ever seen.   Totalitarian monsters like Barbara Boxer and Nancy Pelosi, who would not only interfere in the ability of these rational actors to save and invest their earnings as they might see fit, but who would also direct their private and personal health care choices from a top down centralized bureaucracy (see above), with little thought to the ultimate consequences such a system might engender here, save for its convenient use as a power aggregator.

I mean, presumably these same rational actors who claim fiscal conservatism have been exposed to other “top down” centrally-directed government systems at some point in their lives.   If they are lucky, it’s only been the Postal Service — perhaps the most benign of our Federal bureaucracies.  If they are in business, however, they may have had to reckon with the FDA, the Department of Agriculture, the EPA, or God forfend, even the IRS.    

Can rational actors ever claim a pleasant experience from dealing with such bodies?   And yet, these “social libertarians” will embrace politicians who seek to impose greater and greater bureaucracies such as these on our individual lives, as “the lesser of two evils” over economic libertarians who see such impositions on our freedoms as not only antithetical to our concepts of freedom, but highly impractical and inefficient for the growth and general welfare of our free society.

And why?

Because they have been led to believe that those same people who believe in basic Constitutional freedoms — the Founding principles, for want of a better term — over statist central authoritarianism, are also seeking to impose some kind of “theocracy” on their lives.  

What is their main jambon of evidence?   The now 40-year old abortion debate.  

No question this is a hot issue, and I don’t think it’s going to cool any time soon, especially with the increasing advances of medical technology that drive external fetal viability to earlier and earlier stages of development.   But it’s sometimes difficult for me to believe that intelligent and rational people cannot see the link between lovers of liberty and lovers of life.  

Perhaps it’s because I’m a parent, but I do not even see this as a religious issue.  It’s a moral issue, to be sure, but only in the sense that any crimes of violence  against a citizen are moral issues.   Just like an assault on a dog, or a horse, or any innocent creature would be considered a moral issue. 

But because of some clever marketing, in certain “bluer” areas of the country, it’s become de rigueur to believe that conservatives are closet “theocrats” because they believe a gestating human life should not be considered extinguishable, and rather should be protected like any post-partum child would be.  

Never mind if it’s integrated with a belief in economic freedom, private property inviolability, and the rule of law– a fealty to innocent life is considered an automatic disqualifier to a large part of the population who have been convinced this tenet marks a coming cessation of freedom.

The irony, of course, is that the greatest freedom eaters we’ve ever elected use this issue to trumpet their false “libertarianism.”   In effect, they are providing our “social libertarians” a trade — responsibility for freedom, in equal measure.   You will receive bread, you will receive circuses, and you will hand over the keys to your lives.

But if you believe in the freedom of the individual, you are given a responsibility to every individual.  And yes, that means you are to feed the hungry and visit the sick.    But it also means that you are responsible as a society to protect every innocent, no matter how forgotten… or inconvenient.   I don’t think this means you have to be “theocratric,” dogmatic, or even the slightest bit religious (hat tip to Nat Hentoff, btw)….

Just “responsible.”   

Time to shake that Baby Boomer “eternal kid” thing, people.   This is part of it.

Kirk out.


So it’s not

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