Joined Jul 30, 2008
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Yawn at market

Here’s the dangerous setup for bulls:

1) Declining Vix = complacency

2) High volume selloffs + …

3) … low volume rebounds (Sisyphean Rallies)

I suggest exiting some swing trades, both long and short and ignore short-term technicals. As we head into quadruple witching Friday, there should be some nonsense action going on as volume picks up in exiting positions before the end of this horrible year. There are just too many bottom callers and too many “next-leg-down” callers heading into the final days of the year. The market is telling you something folks… we have some HORRIBLE news these past two Friday’s, and the market recovered on both of them…. odd thing, people are still thinking this is a huge bullish signal. Friday’s recovery from the auto-bailout news was weaker than last weak.

If you are a new trader, please turn off your TV. In fact, turn off your computer and just wait for a proper breakdown or breakout. The highest probability trades out there will probably be earnings plays, perhaps a stranggle on the conference call. Other than that, let’s keep them light. If you want to play, there a few opportunities, long or short… I am keeping a list of shorts that are rallying on low volume (which I will begin shorting as the Vix hits the 40s), while buying longs that move up on high volume, but buying the pullback. As you can see, I am taking a “let the trade come to you” approach.


Gio, theHawaiiTrader

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  1. Hecker511

    Nice video GIO, real soothing and fun to watch the notes and chords like this (even if it’s a little old-school and weird).

    Thanks for the advice!

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  2. Gio

    Hey Heckler… watching the tape here. i notice retail is giving up its low volume gains.


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  3. Heckler511

    Yeah, did you ever short MELI at the end of the day of Friday? Looks like it would have worked.

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  4. Gio

    Nope. i wish i did, actually I was afraid of it, which was probably a good sign to short it. I had ENER but covered. I did however short more PSMT, which is now under 18.

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  5. Gio

    ooh. nice phone.

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  6. Ass Napkin Mike


    Make sure to check out the Celtics game tonight. It must suck to be a fan of a team with Kobe on it, huh?

    Im not sure what the phrase is used on the island, but here in Boston we refer to him as a PUSSY.


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  7. Gio

    I’ll be watching the Celtics tonight. In fact, I am 3x Short Celtics, and 2x long Jazz.

    Bought CSUX
    Bough JAZZ

    … enjoy the game! My prediction… Deron with 20 assists. hehe.

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  8. Ass Napkin Mike


    just joking with the harsh words. Its just fun to mess around with you about hoops. Do you play any fantasy?

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  9. Gio

    no worries. i take, and i dish. its part of being a fan. know any good fantasy sites?

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  10. zee-

    I keep forgetting to stop by–so, sorry!!!
    here’s DEC WIN #32, just for you–Read-em and weep—yeee haaaaa!!!! hey great stuff you got there on twitt!!!
    NEM short set up–needs to retest –oh crap–I forgot—Maybe it’s on the chart—

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