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A Refocused Bill Ackman’s Morning Routine While Shorting $HLF

Despite all of the drama, Herbalife has gone essentially nowhere since last August

On the daily chart below, note the significance of the $60 level.

As I write this, I see news is out from the FTC. It will be interesting to see if Ackman is eventually proven correct.

For now, an aggressive trader may see a short if price moves under $64 again.

Drop me your top afternoon tickers.



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  1. chessNwine

    Update: $HLF slicing down through $60 now.

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  2. matt_bear

    time is certainly not on his side after converting from shorting shares to puts.

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  3. mateo

    Well, if NURO keeps moving up (2.47 right now), it would be a short squeeze candidate – ~40% short on small float. (I picked up a little yesterday.)

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