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Shooting for the Moon


In addition to the biotechs and marquee names like Netflix shooting for the moon this morning, along with the major averages, also keep an eye on DFRG P for further strength. Both charts have been tightening up. Keep in mind, though, both stocks have earnings comings up in the next two weeks.

In addition, the note the outperformance by silver over the miners this morning–Something to definitely keep tabs on going forward.





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  1. doughstream

    At first I thought you put up a picture of a hairy butt crack.

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  2. Celeste

    Off menu mac n cheese w/boneless ribeye please 😉

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  3. MX2101

    iplongo and doughstream- hah, maybe you guys ought to get out more often, and see what life has to offer. 🙂

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