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As Goes __, So Goes the Market

The following is just a small excerpt from my latest Weekly Strategy Session (please click on that hyperlink for details about trying it out). which I published for members and 12631 subscribers this past Sunday. 

Some of the “old school” market types may view General Electric and IBM as two of the quintessential broad market bellwethers, or “tells.”

If that is the case, then you can clearly see that both GE and IBM are not particularly inspiring for bulls. General Electric is struggling to hold its 200-day moving average after notably lagging the market all of last week, and IBM continues to operate below a clearly-declining 200-day moving average.




A more recent popular broad market tell has been Goldman Sachs. Along similar lines to GE, you can see Goldman trying to hold its 200-day moving average. 

Indeed, you might argue that all three of these major stocks need to be monitored in the coming week to see if they truly have been tipping us off to looming broad market weakness.

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  1. JTB

    Noticed the recent push for 12631 subscribers. Thought about joining, but there’s no way I could take advantage of the service while battling law school. Hopefully the price doesn’t double by the time I get out.

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  2. rynobolt

    Chess, you left out the USD/JPY cross as an important carry trade component for the indexes.

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