Full-time stock trader. Follow me here and on 12631
Joined Apr 1, 2010
8,861 Blog Posts

Q.E. JO: A Real American Hero


I sold the remainder of my coffee long inside 12631 this morning, booking another commodity win. I am still playing others in the complex, though, and am stalking reentries all around the space.

Here was my note to members:

Sold final piece of $JO long @ $31.47 from $27.67 entry to lock in the rest of the win in coffee trade. Will seek to reenter later this week or next week.

Elsewhere, CLVS is acting well, as are the coal names. More on this later.

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  1. ZooKini

    Double Chin money KYTH

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  2. ZooKini

    Bought 1 share of SD last year with the left over cash in IRA for funzies and its up 22% LOL

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  3. TJWP

    Chess, fantastic video recap last night playing out in the markets today. Other than the BAS you visited last week are there any other Natural gas plays catching your eye, or are you just trading the commodities as a whole. I am looking to buy more ECA on a breakout.

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  4. ZooKini

    How bad would a pullback to 1800-1820 hurt

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  5. ZooKini

    Peeps shorting TSLA are cray cray

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  6. alf44

    … great tune !

    Hear a bit of Grateful Dead influence in there !


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  7. Heckler511

    Yeah the lick is just China Cat

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