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Headed to the Cellar Room


While Walgreen is bull-flagging on the first daily chart, below, Coke and Pepsi are both headed towards the cellar.

Interesting, while KO PEP suffer, DPS has been a stalwart to the upside.

There are a myriad of reasons as to why Coke and Pepsi have been getting whacked, in a similar vein to T VZ.

Also keep an eye on UA, which continues to base along nicely.

Overall, it is a slow morning in the tape with bulls stubbornly keeping their grip on things, even if the upside energy is not dazzling.







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  1. Phillip

    cellar or not – I would kill for that basement – though it probably has some moisture issues

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  2. bensteinsmoney

    any take on REED

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