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The Triumphant Return of the Bow Tie Diaries


“Dr Bernakkkke may be long gone, but all the man knew had to do was print money. This was a man who has devoted his entire life to the process of printing money to solve every problem! Have a cold? Print money! Have a stomach bug? Print money! Can’t find a parking space? Print money! Now, even if Ms. Yellen tapers a little bit, all of the Bernakkke money printing will help cause huge inflation. I am buying real assets, some sugar, corn, wheat, coffee, gold and silver. Maria, if I’m wrong, I can always teach English as a second language in Singapore.” -Legendary Investor Jim Rogers

I sold half of a my JO long inside 12631 for a quick 9.2% win, while playing other soft commodities (in addition to silver), as the Jim Rogers Bow Tie party is still in full swing. Coffee, corn, sugar, cotton–They are all dead sexy and under-appreciated.  At issue now is whether they truly show more signs of being more than just a mere snapback bear market rally, perhaps a new bull.  The jury is still out on that, which is why I am trading around these positions.

Elsewhere, Groupon is looking as heavy as can be and ripe for a breakdown.

And the daily chart for Home Depot, second below, suggests now is a decent spot to take profits on the long side as another leg lower is colorable. Note the damage the chart has suffered, with a declining 50-day moving average and a retrace back up to the 200-day. Earnings are scheduled for next week, on the 25th.





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  1. Debra lee

    Thank you, Mr. Chess Man, sir! You are a gentleman and a scholar! =^.^=

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  2. Andrius Vismantas

    $GRPN. I fully agree, but with earnings tomorrow there is nothing to do for now.

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  3. e1tan

    DJT lagging a lot… soon enough we’ll know if dow theory once again will get the turning point right

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