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Joined Apr 1, 2010
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Morning Reminder and Perspective


First, a reminder that I am still stalking natural gas for another long entry (most likely using UGAZ again, for leverage, inside 12631). The first chart below shows the straight-up ETF, which I would be looking for strength over $25. as a trigger.

Next, for perspective on how steep the bull has been, especially since 2013, consider the daily then monthly timeframes of energy giant Conoco. While the daily looks badly oversold, well below the 200-day moving average after heavy selling, the monthly is still above its 20-period moving average. When the rubber band snaps back, there is usually a ton of air underneath…

What is at the top of your watchlist this morning?








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  1. TheOSU

    Sold ANGI in premarket and will watch the17.50s with an eye to exit . This has been a great run in the stock , but with earnings approaching I’m not interested in a “rug pull” posssibility .
    Does anyone know of anyone who has renewed a subscription in ANGI ??

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  2. bood

    marjuana stocks
    as always
    my top of watchlist is alwasy where the moneys go .. or where they get placed before the run ..

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    • Heckler511

      were you in HEMP, bood?

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      • bood

        hemp of course but there’s the full sector gaining every day double or triple digit .. skto sing usei lvvv whatever marjuana is being priced or speculated to get some price at a point. there will be looser and winner but the sector is for real .

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      • bood

        we wil have abundant news , mergers , offers , revenues… nex quarters ..
        it’s “T”he hyper growth sector at the moment

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        • heckler

          yes I agree and I’m very bullish on the sector. thanks for the tickers

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          • bood

            take care because many names are just speculative otc as for today ; some of them will eventually make it for real and grow multiple times , and more . better do some dd before choosing .

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          • heckler

            yes the only name I’m in so far is PHOT, but I’ve been watching the entire sector on the daily. Any other names you like based on your research and DD?

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          • bood

            CBIS +
            HSCC 0.1000 +0.0175 +21.21%
            MDBX 34.1500 -2.8500 -7.70%
            MJNA 0.2980 -0.0379 -11.28%
            MWIP 0.3330 -0.0380 -10.24%
            NVLX 0.2061 +0.0121 +6.24%
            PHOT 0.3798 +0.0348 +10.09%
            RFMK 0.0024 +0.0006 +33.33%
            RIGH 0.0014 +0.0001 +7.69%
            TRTC 0.4350 +0.0350 +8.75%

            some tickers.. but everyday something new sums up ..

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          • bood

            about dd and research , there’s really many news , quite everyday , for name/new names/ new collaborations etc… the sector is higly speculative at the moment .. I’ve been in many names and currently own some for the long run but ready to flip on news.. .. namely phot mcig hemp mjna are among the more spoken , but this doesn’t mean they ‘ll grow better then others . the sector is organizing in-between just now .

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          • bood

            sure hemp and mjna have some Funds promoting price.
            expect some pulls coming , but also some important gap up on important news.

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          • bood

            last thing , I’ve seen the sector is nicely contrarian , often , which means it pulls / consolidates when market goes up and rally on market weakness.

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          • bood

            both mjna and hemp are going past 1$ . may be sooner then year end.

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          • heckler

            thanks for the names – there’s some new ones for me and I’ve added them to my research / watch list.

            I’m bullish in the long term 5-30 years really. I’ve been trading a little short term, and like I said, mostly in PHOT.

            And I agree, my gains in PHOT have largely offset losses in my long names during this recent broad market pullback.

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        • bood

          fyi last two days i’ve been trading icbu clnp fffc sing usei .. all in the sector ..
          short time frame , obviusly , for those..

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  3. bood

    apart from this ( pure zero – to – growth sector ) there’s still time to see whene and how things settle..

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  4. zookini

    Long UGAZ from 30.30 yesterday

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