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Joined Apr 1, 2010
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Winter Fun for Bears


Two charts here tell us the market has changed character, at least for now.

First, the daily chart ETF for the Russell 2000 is clearly breaking down from a bear flag, which at a minimum was to be respected despite the many V-shaped rallies throughout 2013.

In addition, Amazon is actually following-through lower after its earnings gap down.

This is action we have not seen in quite some time.

I am still in full cash, and have been several days now inside 12631.

I am stalking some inter-market longs, but am in no rush just yet–I want to see how look headed into the final ninety minutes or so.





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  1. stones

    Thelma and Louise glide path. -106 on the nazzy. Puts are so cool.

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  2. zookini

    UGAZ looking good

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  3. the_wolf

    dont bears love gold and silver ?
    plan on maintaining gold and silver positions, hedging with XIV and TNA
    & others as necessary ; )
    unless Yellen comes up with something stellar
    im thinking the market will be pushed lower by global forces of currency and credit issues

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  4. BlueFielder

    I’m going back to Dublin

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  5. Ashokh

    Any thoughts and update on JO?

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  6. JPMorgains

    Loving the new iBankCoin Bear logo 🙂

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  7. mateo

    GDXJ outperforming GDX.
    Ag move pretty widespread – DBA, etc.
    POT doing well.

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  8. mateo

    If you love coffee – and think sugar has bottomed – and don’t mind a bit of cotton – and are a bit of a fruitloop. JJS is down 3% as write (but huge spread). You’d have to plan on being stuck in the position…

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  9. stones

    Sold most of the puts & a long. Bought some calls. Getting busy.

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  10. stones

    Sold the calls -.01. Waiting again

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