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Lots of Issues Here


Just as a visual exercise, note how closely correlated equities have been of late, more than usual, to the U.S. Dollar/Japanese Yen currency cross (daily chart, below). During corrective markets, we often see correlations run fairly tight. Beyond Dollar weakness versus the Yen strength, also note Treasuries reclaiming status as a safe haven, though I think that changes this year in a big way.

Furthermore, we have BIDU TWTR this week, which should raise the stakes all the way around.

I am keying off recent outperforms like FB NFLX TWTR to see if they succumb to broad market pressure or continue to try to lead for bulls.

More after the bell on my video market recap.

See you there.



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  1. the_wolf

    ok,.. hold on there a minute
    how did our wedding pics get posted on the web ?!?!?
    ; )
    too many global issues,…. : (

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  2. bodhisattva

    Another bear pennant on IWM. Interesting to see these keep popping up.

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  3. mateo

    Forget about gold, treasuries, and cash as safety plays. It’s all about coffee now.

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