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Saturday Morning Charts


BIDU is checking back to 2011/2012 highs. It will be interesting to see if they hold. Earnings are on Monday.

FB is showing $60.90 as the new downside area to observe to see if the 30-minute chart will push higher yet after the earnings gap.

F remains weak, with room to drop to $14.30, a level with plenty of price memory.

What’s for Saturday breakfast/lunch?







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  1. UncleBuccs

    Chess, good morning. For breakfast, it’s the proverbial ‘ham & eggs’. In regards to the market, that WWE short idea fascinates the daylights out of me. I just don’t have the testicular fortitude (or chops) to pull it off… but some hot money stud out there is going to be raking in the chips one day.

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  2. ultramarine

    How about short-candidates in integrated oil and gas? Check out XOM, CVX and PTR for example. Oddly enough BP has not taken the same down-escalator, yet.

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  3. ultramarine

    Oh, I see earnings on deck next week for BP, maybe that’s why it hasn’t dropped that far, yet.

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