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Late Night Stock Market Setups for Monday


ANAC WDAY are particularly appealing long ideas headed into Monday, seen on the first two daily charts, below.

Anacor is in the hot biotech sector, basing tightly sideways in an uptrending intermediate-term timeframe. $17, then $17.50 are my triggers here.

Workday is a heavily-shorted issue basing neatly below well-defined resistance.

And the aforementioned Banco Itau, of “Name That Chart” fame, on the third chart is a short idea on weakness.

Drop me your top tickers overnight.







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  1. kapitalist

    What are your thoughts on starting a position in $YGE here and holding $BALT until 9$? Thanks!

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    • chessNwine


      I see $6.20 as being minor resistance to clear. Above there, and I think a move up to $8.25 for $BALT is in the cards.

      $YGE – It has a similar look to it that $TSLA had a few weeks back. Downside is likely limited from here. But it may need some time to base out and heal the recent damage.

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  2. kapitalist

    Appreciate the feedback, Chess. I’ve owned $BALT for a while and am hoping to get our around $9. $YGE is my favorite solar play (as of now). Will give it time to base though.

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    • chessNwine

      Very nice on $BALT – re: $YGE – One thing to note is that the $TAN sector ETF for solars is testing its 20-period weekly moving average and trying to stabilize there for the first time since the breakout last May.

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  3. The Ambassador

    I’m feelin that if one can get into AAPL right at 7am in pre market it’s bound to gain 10 to 20 points tomorrow on today’s news. Just depends if anyone is willing to sell any…

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  4. Zookini

    Let’s goooo AAPL above 565

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