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Video Market Recap 02/24/11

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  1. GYSC

    Excellent Chess, thanks.

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  2. cebu sun

    The market is responding poorly to the Libyan crisis: instead of the usual response of stronger USD we get a weaker USD last 3 days. This foretells the demise of USD as reserve currency IMO.

    Chess, can u please tell Jeremy I can respond to your blog ( as I have my name and mail listed here at your blog )…but cannot blog at Fly’s (where my mail and and name are not posted). Thanks.

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  3. Steve Clem

    Thanks Chess for the excellent video – Steve, 1st Time Viewer

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  4. Spacemonkey

    Looking at SPY on the weekly, I think we have a bit further to correct. Hate to focus on one indicator but RSI just lost 70 on the weekly, look at what happened last time that happened— May 2010. Have to look alot further left to even see an RSI get to 70. But these are strange times, and who knows what POMO blow can accomplish.

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