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Pounding the Table with chessNwine


Just kidding.

This market is too gay to have conviction either way (that rhymes).

Before we get the next explosion in stocks, in whichever direction, we need to see some frustrating compression, complete with both false breakouts and breakdowns. We have been seeing that for the past few days, and it can easily last into tomorrow and early next week as well.

The best strategy, as boring and unsexy as it sounds, it to have a high cash position and be ready to pounce when the big move comes.

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  1. mark e

    i love this post…i have one REALLY BIG favor to ask (and i mean it with all sincerity) ….

    can you shoot me an email when the “big move” comes?? ill give you 5% of my profits if things work out.

    kind regards,
    – mark

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  2. TheOne

    do you day trade at all in between or scalp to make a few sheckels as you wait for conviction in one direction or the other? Also what do you think about Seth Klarman buying huge out of the money puts?

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  3. Steven Place


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  4. Buckeye Bob

    Anyone catch that AAPL ramp today? Think the ORCL numbers leaked? LOL

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