Blow Up a Toilet – Find Alphabet Soup of Government Tyranny Raiding Your Property


There used to be a time when the local officials would come knock on your door when they thought you were doing something wrong. Blow up, say a toilet, and maybe the local deputy would come out and ask what the hell was going on. Not today. Blow up a toilet and you will find yourself with a whole alphabet soup of hell raiding your property waiting for you to twitch.

It sure is a different time fearing the FBI, ATF and local SWAT parading their military hardware to intimidate the serfs. It’s scary when your government wields this much power. They are not bound by the constitution any longer. The Bill of Rights mean nothing to these asshats. Wither thee America.

Last week 23-year-old Celia Savage of Georgia felt the entire fury of a small army of alphabet coup…for using a homemade pipe bomb to blow up a toilet. She also likes to quote anarchists. All done from her own damn land I might add. The Blaze has the story:

A college student in Georgia is sitting in jail following a raid on her family home by the FBI, ATF and officers from several local law enforcement agencies.

23-year-old Celia Savage has been charged with illegally possessing a destructive device, as well as possession of a firearm while being an unlawful user of a controlled substance. Her father says she is not guilty.

The multi-agency raid was conducted at the family’s home in Cornelia, Ga. on May 30. Ms. Savage was arrested and charged, due to arraigned Friday in federal court. The hearing was postponed to next week. Until then, she remains in jail, held without bond.

The FBI alleges that Ms. Savage admitted to making as many as seven pipe bombs and exploding them as a “hobby.” Until late Friday, there was a YouTube video purporting to show Savage lighting a fuse on a bomb that would explode a commode in the woods.

Today Georgia toilets are safe. I guess the alphabet soup jackboots needed some training or something.

3 Responses to “Blow Up a Toilet – Find Alphabet Soup of Government Tyranny Raiding Your Property”

  1. American Tyranny

    @smerdyakov I’m not cool with government thugs telling someone what they can and can’t do on their own property. Other than that I have no idea what the fuck you are talking about.

  2. I also think the government should ignore people blowing things up and building explosives, because it’s never a prelude to anything else. Wait, what? Does the second amendment cover sarin gas, howlitzers, anthrax, TNT, helicopter gunships, etc?

    If you’re down with the weather underground let us know, but it’s hard to be alarmist about government encroachment unless you have a deep psychological need for alarmism that has little to do with some bureaucrats trying to justify their budget. If you’re that afraid, stop blogging and move to Canada with the other hippies, seriously. It’s not that there’s never a legitimate complaint, but it gets really tedious when every news item becomes evidence of approaching despotism, yet the fact that sympathetic strikes and non-certified unionization will throw you in jail even though it’s a clear freedom of association issue…

  3. Get used to it. Anything fun is going to be squashed by Big Brother, who btw, is now capable of watching anything and everything. Even this post. They’ll be coming for you shortly.

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