An American Day


Who ever came up with ZZZQuil by the makers of NyQuil is a god damned genius. Do you know how many hordes of — PEA BRAINED –mouth breathers use NyQuil to go to sleep? You don’t care because they are getting up to go toil away in the mines, whilst you sip crapachinos[sic] at Starbucks. You wouldn’t put either in your body, because you only use holistic suppositories a la Piers.

Enjoy your days of toiling in a studio apartment, living off your trust fund, because you “just don’t know what [your’e] meant to do.” I’m sure another bachelors on your daddy’s dime will show you the way, or perhaps some half-assed graduate degree from a small liberal arts college? “BAH, BAH, BAH.” Please excuse me sir, but I don’t speak sheep.

Today I founded two businesses, and the SF Taxman, the Honorable Mister Rapist, is all set to hook me up. It’s a very small piece of the long term puzzle, but a very symbolic one. It’s the beginning of an empire. Say what you will, but everyone has always doubted me and I’ve always proven them wrong. So you can frankly f off if you want to tell me how I’m going to fail.

I made some money in the market too. I’ll be back later with that post.

5 Responses to “An American Day”

  1. I think taking drugs to help go to sleep is not a good idea. For other conditons, drugs are a risk vs. reward question.

    Suggestion for younger people- do research, think critically, use common sense, and above all, respect the cumulative impact of the passage of time. Time is your edge, waste some of it because you can, but use the rest of it wisely.

    Weight gain, health conditions, wealth accumulation, they are are all impacted by passage of time. Ever used flight simulator? At the start of a journey, a very small course change makes a huge difference in the end location.

  2. congrats on the beginning of your empire Rhino! if it’s anything like my journey so far I can guarantee that it will be an amazing ride!

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