Joined Jan 27, 2008
7,406 Blog Posts

I Do Not Have Much To Say

I have not traded much this week with all the moving and painting. It’s funny, when I was a kid I used to love to paint, but after this week, I hope I never see a paint  brush again.

I will be enjoying the fruits of my labor all labor day weekend, I will be back to a normal schedule starting on Tuesday. Before I go, you might want to take a look at Satyam Computer (ADR) [[SAY]] , watch for a breakout with further strength:


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  1. chuckb

    saying nothing is better sometimes. had a great night. instead of saying I show you



    ps. white women. haha

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  2. RaginCajun

    SAY = BTFO

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  3. OpihiMan

    Nice call on $HL & $PLM! I didn’t play ’em, but you nailed both of them.

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  4. dr_nate

    Painting sucks, but you’ll be glad you did it. Congrats on the new place.

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