Joined Jan 27, 2008
7,406 Blog Posts

Hooked Up

The Internet is here! Mrs. Cajun and I are in the process of moving into our first home, needless to say it has been a little crazy this week. The good news is Cox communications finally got their act together and hooked up the Internet.

I won’t even attempt to comment on the market here, as I feel out of the loop. However, I will say one thing , The Swine Flu is about to BTFO ovah here. It seems like everybody and their momma is attracting some sort of the Flu. While it’s true you might get ACAD’d looking in biotech, I would bet the swine flu trade is no yet over.

As for my positions, I hold mostly cash. I still hold my favorite oils Stone Energy Corporation [[SGY]] & W&T Offshore, Inc. [[WTI]] , but was stopped out of Western Refining, Inc. [[WNR]] as the double bottom failed. I bought some Sonus Networks, Inc. [[SONS]] yesterday in the low 2’s and still hold Chuck’s fav [[IBGH]] . Things should be getting back to normal pretty soon, and I plan to come back firing!

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    Congrats on your new home. I got you a house warming gift:


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  2. chuckb

    nice one with SGY, I should have taken that hat tip and bought some.

    What? you dont have NUHC anymore? haha

    Fucking Drank is pissing me off. I expect it to be atleast 2.00 again by now.

    INO and HEB are good plays on the flu? how about this SIGA?



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  3. Teahouse On The Tracks
    Teahouse On The Tracks

    I got you a house warming gift too …. look familiar?


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  4. DPeezy

    Good work with the house. Moving’s a bitch, to be sure…but that’s when it pays to have friends who are semi-pro bodybuilders!

    I’m currently involved in the buying end of a short sale…but of course WFC is taking their sweet-ass time (they’ve been at it since April). Getting very tired of their non-action and other shit.

    When you get a chance, be sure to pay up for the iBC Fantasy Football league. It was your idea afterall! haha. (Also, your draft position will depend on it.)

    Anybody else interested…there’s still time to sign up and put your money where you (football) mouth is.

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  5. RC

    DP, what is the buy in? Where do we send the money?

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    • DPeezy

      The buy-in is $50 and you send the money to your friendly neighborhood commissioner.

      Also…not sure what you’re up to, but you definitely can’t have 2 teams in the league!

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