Joined Dec 2, 2009
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Obama’s biggest supporter….is

Who Is George Soros? In 1956 Soros moved to New York City, where he worked on Wall Street, and started amassing his  fortune. He specialized in hedge funds and currency speculation.  Soros is absolutely ruthless, amoral, and clever in his business dealings, and quickly made his fortune. By the 1980s he was well on  his way to becoming the global powerhouse that he is today.

In an article Kyle-Anne Shiver wrote for “The American Thinker” she says, “Soros made his first billion in 1992 by shorting  the British pound with leveraged billions in financial bets, and became known as the man who broke the Bank of England . He broke it on the backs of hard-working British citizens who immediately saw their homes severely devalued and their life savings cut drastically, almost overnight.”
Here is what CBS’ Mr. Steve Kroft’s research has turned up. It’s a bit of a read, and it took 4 months to put it together. “The main obstacle to a stable and just world order is the United States.” / George Soros   

In 1994 Soros crowed in “The New Republic” that “the former Soviet Empire is now called the Soros Empire.”  The Russia-gate scandal in 1999, which almost collapsed the Russian economy, was labeled by Rep. Jim Leach, then head of the House Banking Committee, to be “one of the greatest social robberies in human history.”  The “Soros Empire” indeed. In 1997 Soros almost destroyed the economies of Thailand and Malaysia .  At the time, Malaysia ‘s Prime Minister, Mahathir Mohammad, called  Soros “a villain, and a moron.”  Thai activist Weng Tojirakarn said, “We regard George Soros as a kind of Dracula. He sucks the  blood from the people.”

The website Greek National  Pride reports, “Soros was part of the full court press that dismantled Yugoslavia and caused trouble in Georgia , Ukraine and Myanmar [Burma] Calling himself a philanthropist, Soros’ role is to tighten the ideological stranglehold of globalization and the New World Order while promoting his own financial gain. He is without conscience; a capitalist who functions with absolute amorality.”

France has upheld an earlier conviction  against Soros, for felony insider trading.  Soros was fined 2.9 million dollars.  Recently, his native Hungary fined Soros 2.2  million dollars for “illegal market manipulation.” 

George Soros is an evil man.  He’s anti-God, anti-family, anti-American, and anti-good.  He killed and robbed his own Jewish people. What we have in Soros, is a multi-billionaire atheist, with skewed moral values, and a sociopath’s lack of conscience.  He considers himself to be an elitist World class philosopher, despises the American way, and just loves to do social engineering and change cultures.

György Schwartz, better known to the world as George Soros, was born  August 12, 1930 in Hungary . Soros’ father, Tivadar, was a fervent practitioner of the Esperanto language invented in 1887, and designed to be the first global language, free of any national identity.  The Schwartz’s, who were non-practicing Jews, changed the family name to Soros, in order to facilitate assimilation into the Gentile population, as the Nazis spread into Hungary during the 1930s.

 When Hitler’s henchman, Adolf Eichmann, arrived in Hungary to oversee the murder of that  country’s Jews, George Soros ended up with a man whose job was confiscating property from the Jewish population. Soros went with him on his rounds.

Soros has repeatedly called 1944  “the best year of my life.”  70% of Mr. Soros’s fellow Jews in Hungary, nearly a half-million human beings, were annihilated in that year, yet he gives no sign that this put any damper on his elation, either at the time or indeed in retrospect. During an interview with “Sixty Minute’s” Steve Kroft, Soros was asked about  his “best year.”

KROFT: My understanding is that  you went out with this protector of yours who swore that you were his adopted godson.   SOROS: Yes.  Yes.

KROFT: Went out, in fact, and helped in the confiscation of property from your fellow Jews, friends and neighbors.   SOROS: Yes. That’s right.  Yes.

KROFT: I mean, that sounds like an experience that  would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many, years. Was it difficult?

SOROS: No, not at all. Not at all, I  rather enjoyed it.

KROFT: No feelings of  guilt?

SOROS: No, only feelings of absolute  power.

George just donated 1 million dollars to Obama for his re-election…why? Here’s one reason…Obama has recently promised 10 billion of our tax dollars to Brazil , in order to give them a leg-up in  expanding their offshore oil fields. Obama’s largesse towards Brazil came shortly after his political financial backer, George Soros, invested heavily in Brazilian oil (Petrobras).

Tait Trussel writes, “The Petrobras loan may be a windfall for Soros and Brazil , but it is a bad deal for the U.S. The American Petroleum Institute estimates that oil exploration in the U.S. could create 160,000 new, well-paying jobs, as well as $1.7 trillion in revenues to federal, state, and local governments, all while fostering greater energy security and independence.”


The V.King demands you cut and paste this and send it to 5 people in the next 24 hours…If you don’t your dick will lose 2 inches in length…

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  1. Dantheman

    Hey V.King did you see what John Elway said about Romney before the debates in Denver? I’m starting to believe he does have a good chance of winning!

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  2. Sur Platonic Plateau Du Tecnocrats, B.R.A., D.J.D. upon Rookness.

    Make it a V.King day, everyday!

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  3. drummerboy

    he is a NAZI.who doesn’t know that? i liked the dracula part better.his pilot and co-pilot should chute up and jump from the plane while soros is still in it.or does dracula survive something like that?

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  4. His Lordship, Sir Salty Snapkick
    His Lordship, Sir Salty Snapkick

    Before the 60 Minutes interview,I had read about the Soros past re: helping the Nazis to confiscate the property. I knew he was a kid then (young adult) and could be forgiven for protecting his own ass, although I would hope that I would act differently if presented with a similar situation.
    But, when I heard the 60 Minutes interview several years ago, I realized the guy was a prick then and is now.
    I had a neighbor years ago who was in a concentration camp and the “tattooed” number on her was always an eerie sight to see.
    He will get his some day.

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  5. Dantheman


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