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Joined Jan 19, 2010
717 Blog Posts

My Political Market…

Published on CreateCoin Premium.
An Excerpt:

In the current market environment, where Central Bank financial engineering matters more than anything else, it has become obvious that the market responds more to politics than at any other time in modern history. There was time not too long ago where you had to work hard to connect what happened in Washington to what happens on Wall Street. Government policy only mattered to the long-term big-picture but what comes out of DC now moves markets instantaneously. Considering the market has been living off of government largess of every type, I guess it is natural for it to be a little paranoid that it can all be taken away easily and quickly. You wouldn’t be able to sense any form of market anxiety from the bullish market action, but with the MBS buying finished for now and interest rates ready to rise, it is easily understandable. As long as the green light is on, the market will continue to build a cushion as it gets ready for the eventual handoff from Washington. It has become the political market and it is a scary thought.

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