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Global macro illuminati grandmaster.

PRGN Earnings Tomorrow – All Aboard?

PRGN is releasing its earnings tomorrow. I’ve held this thing since before it’s last earnings which were great and sent the stock soaring higher. What the earnings will be this quarter is not something that I am aware of, I do however think the price will rise into the close.

On the note of PRGN … Anyone reading this own the stock? For some reason every single shipper known to the markets has been bought and discussed in The PPT but for some reason I’ve never seen even a mention of anyone but myself owning this stock.

The position is large relative to my portfolio. As of now I’m considering selling 75% at the close or just before tomorrow and letting the remaining shares ride. I’m current in @ ACB of $4.30, it closed today @ HOD $4.88.

I’ve got stuff to do, have a good night.

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Monday – Top Gainers & New Highs

I’m putting off some stuff I should be doing, as a result my arguable loss is your definite gain.

10 stocks making new highs (as we speak)


SBUX – New highs!? Who still buys their coffee? I’d say it’s over priced and tastes too bitter. Any Starbuckerz out there?

10 Stocks “Killing it” this trading session


SYMX = If you were on The PPT you’d notice some of the usual suspects nailed this thing in the low single digit climb. Currently it’s at 19% on the day.

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Monday Mourning

It’s Monday morning and I’m mourning a good weekend that will never be relived. I thought of this as I cut off some people on the way to coffee, there is this long round about to get to the drive thru. Instead I just said “Fuck it”(as I often do) and went straight to the window, effectively cutting off about 2-3 people who appeared to be in much more dire need of their coffee. Apart from that I’m mourning my FREEDOM and to a lesser extent my golf game. I’ve been off for quite a bit of time now for various reasons and me tell you… I quite enjoy doing whatever I please during the day. It’s quite stately really. Golf wise, I’m DISGUSTED with myself. If I had to guess I’d estimate I’ve played ~30-40 rounds so far this year. I’m off my pace by a LANDSLIDE. Typically I like to enjoy 100+ rounds of golf a year. It’s a luxury I take pride in, golf isn’t something that grows on you, you need to work on it, very similar to your portfolio actually. Again, I’m digressing so I’ll stop.

My last post “The Dividend Aristocrat” brought a temporary smile to my face when I saw the comments, thank you. What I’m curious about though is if it was a good post or it was just left there so long it had time to accumulate comments!? We will never know. Now to the markets.

My accounts are at a place where even when I take a “beat down” on a few stocks it’s still in magnificent green. I’m becoming part of the “Winners” if you will and leaving the lack luster company of the “losers” behind.

I’ve been on a boat drinking excessively for the last 4 days and all I know is that I’m “Banking Coin” apart from that I”m not really abreast on “what’s happening”. Taking a vacation has a new meaning when you have a large sum of fiat currency in the “markets”.

I will add something though… While away I “figured shit out” to put it in layman’s terms.  I”ve grown to the next level of consciousness and frankly, I”m thrilled about it. This long tangent I’m on will all make sense, so keep reading…

Let me put this in an example you (the uninitiated) may be able to understand. You worry about things such as say  “Getting an STD from a girl” when you probably don’t even get laid.  Statistically speaking you should just get on with it and stop being a bitch. Flip side, you smoke a full pack of cigarettes a day and NEVER EVER give the VERY REAL thought that you’re “Going Long” on Cancer.

Looking at the markets I’m getting a weird “vibe”. I feel we’ll either continue to go higher for quite some time, or this magnificent “bear market rally” that’s been making us all stupid rich will come to a close in most destructive fashion, effectively crushing the portfolios of the late comers and destroying the prodigious gains of the early adopters.

15 more Dividend related stocks – Organized by Yield & ~20% from 52wk High.

No. Ticker Acc. Dist. Score Fundamental Score Dividend Yield % From 52 Week High PE
1 ASR 5.00 4.25 12.30 14.77 10.45
2 BFR 5.00 4.10 11.80 17.46 8.43
3 ASX 5.00 4.40 9.40 18.78 11.97
4 FTE 5.00 4.80 8.90 16.74 16.62
5 OKS 3.00 4.30 8.80 17.74 8.16
6 NPD 5.00 4.45 7.60 17.84 25.00
7 OHI 5.00 4.35 7.60 4.61 19.83
8 NHP 3.00 4.45 6.60 14.24 11.49
9 DUK 5.00 4.60 6.40 17.96 16.85
10 ED 5.00 4.20 6.40 14.08 7.99
11 PAC 5.00 4.55 6.00 0.10 10.60
12 MRK 3.00 4.30 5.80 18.05 14.33
13 WBK 3.00 4.30 5.60 12.11 13.26
14 XEL 4.00 4.20 5.30 11.70 14.12
15 RYN 3.00 4.15 5.10 14.98 23.53

On a side note, I’m having “PPT Withdrawl” and as a result will spend the rest of my day there. Stocks I’m most intereted in: CSIQ, SU, PRGN, AIB.

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The Dividend Aristocrat

Dividend Aristocrat

Getting lost in life is as simple as dying or getting deep in credit card debt. I don’t care where you are right now in the world, look around and you’ll see pathetic people of all races and ages basically just drifting through life, no plan, no goals, no portfolio or purpose. It’s easy to “go with the flow” and that “flow” most certainly gets you nowhere. I could go on with my general disdain for the majority of the population but I won’t.

This post is made primarily for the young who will one day buy those massive homes on the hills and drive luxury vehicles of their choice to private golf courses and “champagne parties” of sorts in a city near you. Everyone who is now exceedingly wealthy was once in their 20’s. It’s simply the “way it is”. We’re in a very interesting time where the market has been severely beaten down. In fact in order to better put this thesis to work, a part of me hopes we crash something fierce again, shortly after I exit the market, so I can enter many names at a fraction of the cost.

I’m looking to fill my portfolio with dividend paying equities that have solid revenue growth. Even if the dividend has been suspended for a few quarters, I’m interested in getting into quality, dividend paying stocks and holding them for the LONG term. My goal? To have a steady dividend income by the time I’m in my 60’s.  Getting into quality stocks now will not only give me tremendous growth over 30+ years but will also essentially pay for themselves over that period.

For the sake of your future, I’ve attached a list of 20 dividend producing stocks that are experiencing revenue growth above

No. Ticker Hybrid Change (Weekly) Hybrid Score Beta Dividend Yield Qtrly Revenue Growth Price
1 KWR 17.91 4.28 1.55 6.30 13.48 21.47
2 DHT 12.93 3.85 0.87 20.80 55.00 5.20
3 NM 31.71 3.81 3.34 6.70 74.18 5.20
4 RPT 50.40 3.73 1.96 13.90 15.79 9.35
5 NCTY 34.43 3.72 1.15 19.30 36.36 9.80
6 EPB 50.83 3.67 -0.17 7.10 17.65 19.88
7 MGPI 53.62 3.66 1.91 14.30 12.50 3.00
8 PT 52.52 3.63 0.97 8.80 11.74 10.47
9 PACR 41.50 3.58 1.21 16.70 13.70 3.04
10 EGLE 21.27 3.58 2.60 15.80 51.35 6.07
11 MIC 13.57 3.55 2.11 19.40 24.77 4.28
12 VIP 33.08 3.54 1.75 10.60 45.35 14.12
13 PGH 14.71 3.51 1.02 20.10 15.13 8.36
14 MFA 33.90 3.50 0.63 13.20 86.67 7.73
15 SJT 39.56 3.47 0.33 13.10 39.47 14.08
16 PRGN 12.27 3.42 3.92 23.30 127.78 4.63
17 OLN 18.45 3.37 0.72 6.20 43.71 14.59
18 RCNI 57.82 3.35 1.81 9.33 19.87 8.57
19 PSO 12.50 3.35 0.76 5.40 12.72 12.08
20 NNN 30.47 3.35 1.21 9.00 20.41 21.61

Of the above list, I currently own PRGN. Their dividend is suspended but before the crash was paying a very substantial one. For obvious reasons an equity with a suspended dividend is nowhere near as attractive as one that isn’t. The above list was one I prepared ages ago, and is sorted by hybrid scores. Those fluctuate and if you’re planning a 30+ year hold it’s somewhat irrelevant. It does however give you an idea of how they are doing.

Top 10 Dividend Paying Stocks by Dividend Yield:

No. Ticker Hybrid Change (Weekly) Hybrid Score Beta Dividend Yield Qtrly Revenue Growth Price
1 XTEX 10.36 3.08 1.46 33.30 41.04 3.90
2 DAC 10.78 2.72 2.35 23.50 20.63 3.84
3 PRGN 12.27 3.42 3.92 23.30 127.78 4.63
4 DHT 12.93 3.85 0.87 20.80 55.00 5.20
5 PWE 13.29 3.02 1.10 20.80 118.06 13.45
6 PGH 14.71 3.51 1.02 20.10 15.13 8.36
7 MTR 18.64 2.56 0.82 19.70 58.04 24.50
8 MIC 13.57 3.55 2.11 19.40 24.77 4.28
9 NCTY 34.43 3.72 1.15 19.30 36.36 9.80
10 PVX 36.68 3.13 1.23 17.50 33.06 5.18

In closing,  I’d be on the road right now to a body of water so large, it could be compared to an ocean. However, as  “King of the PG” I have a duty to deliver timely and arguably relevant information for your reading pleasure. The purpose of such trip? To pull out pre-historic creatures from its depths while drinking absurd amounts of the beverage of my choice.

P.S: Please tell me some of you were in CSIQ before 8AM this morning!? Canadian Solar beats estimates to the tune of … 46%+ Incrase in Profit… DAMN it feels good to be holding a “solid position” in such said firm.

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CSIQ & Free Coffee

Today has been filled with some random trades, hating and loving the action in CSIQ and some free coffee.

CSIQ is releasing its earnings tomorrow morning:

The dial-in number for the live audio call, which will begin on Thursday, August 6, 2009 at 8:00 a.m. U.S. Eastern Time (8:00 p.m. August 6, 2009 in Hong Kong), is +1-617-847-8712. The conference call passcode is 63818298. A live webcast of the conference call will also be available on Canadian Solar’s website at http://www.canadian-solar.com .

I may be on the road at that time en route to another fishing trip of sorts. I plan on holding but could sell into the close.


DVAX @ $2.03
BRCD @ $8.28


OCNF @ $1.72
BPOP @ $1.58

Rest of the portfolio is “churning along” some up, some down. I also managed to get out of a 2 month long muderhole called JVA. I bought it on a technical rip then watched it drop past my buy-in in disbelief only to see it drop roughly ~33%+. I averaged in and it kept dropping. Finally when I got back to my first average in spot I sold what I bought there and sold the rest today for a negligble profit. Many of you probably would of sold this thing at a loss. It’s for reasons like this that I never like being less than ~25% cash. This way if you get “screwed” you can just ride it out as you still have plenty of money to make trades with. I find many people sell losers so they can free up some cash, only to put it in another loser.

I’m also looking to buy TKLC, I almost pulled trigger in the $16.60’s but will wait for lower. I kinda feel like I”m being a greedy bastard but I did something similar on STAR only to watch it fall much further, in fact it’s still much cheaper than what I bought it at.

On another totally unrelated note to the markets but with a high correlation to the topic… If you go to McDonald’s and ask for a refill they just give you free coffee. Kinda fucked up no? Or is it kind messed up that I’ve got lots of money in the market and make many trades daily yet for whatever reason, I care that I can get a free coffee? That said, if I didn’t like it, I wouldn’t drink it, it’s actually my current “coffee of choice”.

On a side note, I’m often tempted to sell my HNU.TO position in natural gas but I feel I’ll regret it as it’s only going higher in the next few months.

Update:  Bought my first batch of TKLC @ $16.85

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Getting Rich Has Never Been So Fun

I was driving aggressively on my way to work and I started to realize … “Shit, I’m getting rich off this PPT subscription” my accounts look “awesome” and I’m “fucking thrilled about it”. What’s most hilarious about this great situation is that I’m actually having a fun time doing this.

You see, my plan is to be filthy rich before I turn “vanilla gay” at exactly the stroke of midnight on the very day I turn exactly 47 1/2.  Everything along the way is “part of the ride”, people say “life is about the journey” which sucks for me as whenever given the opportunity I just take a flight and pass out on it. Again, I digress.

Let’s say this market is just going to rip the heads off bears until 10,000.  I’m looking for stocks making new highs under accumulation.

If you’re such a piker that you can’t “ante up” the monthly subscription, here are some scraps similar to a servant eating the kings left over leg of chicken. It’s not much but it will do, for you deserve no more.

10 Stocks Accumulating less than %0.1 from 52k High

ppt member? here’s the screen.

After the epiphany I had recently about why I was placed here “to become filthy rich before the stroke of midnight when I turn 47 1/2” I also realized… What good is it to be filthy rich if you’re sick all the time? So in a most prodigious manner I discarded some cigarettes saying “no more of you” this actually leads me to a post I’ll be making soon called “Everyone needs a slave” basically you buy in industries that hook their dim witted customer / consumer and they basically become a slave giving part of their daily labor efforts to some shitty product and you as the shareholder… You get the rest.

I could post some charts and other bull shit like that but … I’m not sure if anyone even reads this even though this tab has “prime real estate” site wise.

Now that everything that NEEDED to be said has been said, let’s talk about why I’m fucking thrilled. My biggest positons are PRGN / SU.TO / HNU.TO(Nat Gas) / TGB (TKO.TO) / EGO or ELD.TO & CSIQ. All of which are doing fantastic. Everything is doing great right now which is usally a cue that shit is going to hit the fan. We shall see about that. Yesterday I picked up some DSX and even the bastard shipper OCNF that I bought 2 months ago (at the start of a dip of course) is back to acceptable ranges.

If you’d like some information on some of the shippers, please refer to this post “Shippers Leaving the Docks” and this post “Shippers setting up” by Ragin Cajun. I’ve been in PRGN forever and OCNF longer than I’d like to admit.

UPDATE: True Religion – TRLG – BEAT The Streets Estimates … Up Big in Pre-Market … How can we be in a horrible depression if people who make trendy overpriced $300 pairs of jeans are making bank!?

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