Joined Jan 1, 1970
1,010 Blog Posts

The Sound of Coin Accumulating

Isn’t life grand? Especially when  you wake up from a quasi ~3-5 hour slumber and you find even more coin rattling around in your online brokerage accounts?

I wonder what it’s like being a bear, damned to be in line at a soup kitchen, just in time for Christmas, might I add. If you are a bear and you’re still mauling over a halloween costume, I’d like to suggest you try a clown suit.

My stocks are doing well and “working for me” in this time that I’m not working. Turns out a friend on the Indian Ocean was speaking of a new Yacht Marina that may be opening with him and some friends chartering flights from a popular African country. As a result, and having a penchant for all things lucrative, I may just investigate that opportunity.

Pardon me for I digress, I haven’t slept much. On that note I’m going back to bed and will enjoy dreaming of $ an % symbols while you, the uninitiated clog a public bathroom that’s already had a train ran on it and smells of a 1970’s bowling alley.

When I wake up, I may sell some dogs that that have been tormenting me in my sleep and buy some new stocks.

CHLN & MGI from yesterday are coming along nicely, nothing “crazy” but that’s alright, we can’t all be.

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  1. dubz

    Bought MMR after seeing “Senor” go in and the note I left on it about a month ago at a higher price.

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  2. dubz

    Bought BNX for $0.29, a degenerate gambler play. I must be hallucinating, off to bed.

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  3. dubz

    Bought RIM.TO @ $72.27, should have sent order @ $72 as I suspect many stops will get flushed out there before climbing, if it climbs.

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