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Tag Archives: Uncle Sam

Exercise Yo Franchise!

 Uncle Sam


I just voted and it was like nothing I’ve ever seen at my polling place, and I’m including Presidential elections in that analysis.  There was even an accident in the parking lot because the place (it’s a large local Temple) is just not set up to accomodate that kind of traffic. 

You had blue haired matrons bedecked in clanky gold bracelets and nose-pierced twenty-somethings smelling of day old Marlboros and Drank trying to negotiate the vast morass of eager to vote-humanity. 

It’s a beautiful thing.

That’s our democracy at work, and whatever our outcome today, you gotta love it.  It’s good to see people fired up and  involved in the process, because no matter what the cynical (mostly young) people say on these here internets, it does matter, and your vote can bring change to our on-the-ropes Republic.

If you don’t believe that, just look at what Nancy and Harry and Mr. Obama have done in four short years.   That’s a lot of repair work ahead of us, here in the U.S.   I know some of my wiser non-American correspondants also understand how critical this election is for their respective Free World countries as well.  

 Of course, we have our clueless-statist element here too.  I’m afraid they will be with us until the prospect of free money no longer becomes appealing. 

 But enough of that.  Today we have a chance to strike a blow for sovereign independence, property rights and limited government, so let’s take this golden opportunity to do so. 

Use that franchise wisely!


Request: I am curious to hear what you are all seeing at your polling places.  So if it’s not too much trouble, if you are an American, here or overseas, please let me know in the comments section a) if you have voted today (or by absentee) and b) what your polling place looked like today (disclose your location as much as you feel comfortable).

Thanks in advance and God Bless America… we sure do need it right now.


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