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Tag Archives: Reagan

Quail Hearted Fools

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FR5MweSZjbc&NR=1 450 300]

(Great Mash-up… dig the Vuvezelas, too!)


Oh that’s just excellent.   The Republicans win the biggest House sweep since the Coolidge Era (63 seats) and then go full Barney Frank belly up to the Messiah on the Great Tax Cut Showdown.

Sure, they kept the Bush 2003 Tax Cuts

For two whole years!   Someone with an economic brain in their head please tell me… what does that do exactly?   How in the heck do these morons in Congress expect anyone in honest business to plan for anything with the Tax Sword of Damocles hanging over their head again for another two years?   

It’s the Uncertainty, idiots!   I think I shall propose an Amendment to the Constitution that might save us all heartache…. I will propose that every Congresscritter get at least 10 hours in university-level economics, with Econ 101 being mandatory in the syllabus.  

And what’s the icing on the cake?  

No, no… I mean besides Obama getting another chance to spout his tele-prompted class warfare inanities over and over (he is SO tedious) to the increasingly skeptical (and sparse) television audience…

No, the icing is this 13-months (yes, MONTHS!) of additional unemployment bennies agreed to by the spaghetti noodle “GOP Leadership” along with this useless extension.    Yeah, that oughtta REALLY help knock down the unemployment rate.   Just like it’s done in Europe, the original mother land of the Permanant 10% Loafing Community.

Hey, who cares, right?   The other 90% of the working stiff community will pay for it, right?   And hey, think of the incentive all those business owners have to try to entice those toadsuckers off the dole with their TWO WHOLE YEARS of low capital gains rates!  

Seriously, it’s days like this that could drive a sensible citizen — one who believes in the true and original precepts of this country — to bleak despair.

And please, fellow conservatives, don’t come back to me with the following trope: “This will be great for the Republicans!  Now we KNOW unemployment will be 12% in 2012, and we can GUARANTEE Barack is done and gone!”

Sorry, Homey don’t play that schist.   I am a citizen of this beautiful country first and foremost, and if my party’s leaders are playing this two year collapse as a gaming strategy, then in my book they are as DONE as Nancy Pelosi and the rest of the useless sods in Congress.

Six weeks after the election and already I’m getting my firehouse out.   Time to ream out the Augean Stables once again!


All of the above will only continue to crucify the dollar on a cross of paper mache, but that is little solace to me.   I sold some EXK today and more of my AGQ, but left everything else be.   I will likely continue to trim tomorrow, for reasons mentioned on Sunday night.

All of these moves are temporary, and completed in order to raise cash for reinvestment after an expected pullback in the soon to be vastly popular PM markets.

My heart aches.


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Had Enough Yet?

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUQI5PzKPPs&feature=channel 450 300]

Some might be characterized as “half-truths.”

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uLFSanvt_kg&feature=related 450 300]

Some as blustery bullcrap…

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KQLXydnGbfk 450 300]

But then there’s the outright evil, completely in bad faith falsities.

Had enough yet, America?  Time to get serious again.

A simple primer, set to annoying music, for the kids:

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDRA3XFfDr4&feature=related 450 300]


(* Special Note:  The Gentleman at 3:05 is not Barack Obama.)


Breaking!  Samsonite Hamburglarette wants to become a College Perfessah (sic):

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obTNwPJvOI8&feature 450 300]

(these things never get old!)


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I Really Love This Silly Fat Bastid

[youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK_CZdS0K6o&feature=related 450 300]

Is he too fat to be President?


Governor Christie of New Joisey (that of the Short Hills Mall) rocks, plain and simple.  He is the fat, sweaty Tony Soprano Reagan of our time.   He doesn’t take the schinola from the mealy mouthed press looking to characterize him, and he doesn’t take any crap from public service union hacks:

[youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0Nqk9e1kfY 450 300]

That’s some serious Porky v. Porky action there, but the diff is — Govenor Porky really wants to peel the pork back from the bloated Jersey public sector.  Even better– he’s succeeding!  What better crusader could we enlist to take on the corrupt SEIU and the other public service unions living off the transference of our tax dollars?

In weeks ahead, I will likely be focused on electoral issues, as we head into the extremely crucial mid-term elections of 2010.   But whatever may happen on that date, we will still have the failed Obama Administration to cope with.  That means we need to start thinking about potential Presidential aspirants also — and I’m not just talking about Hillary.

We’ll have two years to figure out who best to put against the demagogic Messiah.   As I’ve mentioned to some, my personal choice is Mitch Daniels, the spectacular former mayor of Indianapolis and now Governor of Indiana.   Daniels took 80% of the Indiana vote in 2008 — the same year that Obama won in Indiana.  He is a special guy and very competent.

But I wanted to start out by looking at the Fat Man, because he too rocks.  Those of you closer to the Metropolitan area may wish to comment, but from what I’ve seen thus far, I really like this guy’s political charisma.   One last before I go.  This may be him at his best in  “telling it how it is” —

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ksLlAi3iIc&NR=1 450 300]

God Bless you, Jersey, you may finally have a great one after a long time in the wilderness.


Gold should be pulling back here (finally).  Hang tight, as I don’t think it’s going to be much.   I will let you know when I release the hedges on ANV and SLW.

Best to you all.


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Mourning in America?

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YXqf_6ug54 450 300]


There are some who would scoff at U.S. politics, and claim “there’s no difference, they’re all alike.” 

But most likely, it’s those of you who were in shit-pants when Jimmy Carter and his foggy crew ruled the waves and admonished us to wear sweaters and snap out of our distaste for price controls and overregulation.  Heck, even I barely remember those bad ole days, but I remember them sucking.

Then we washed that crap right out of our hair with just the right guy at just the right time.   A lot of us grew up in the light of that re-dedication to free-enterprise, strong markets and strong defense.   We were like fish swimming in clean water, not really knowing what pollution even smelled like.

But then we got lazy, and cynical.   We started to take things for granted.   We noted how well even the Clinton years went — after the Great Man had left and his weak sister Veep had taken over to less than spectacular result.   Heck, weak sister Veep raised taxes and then Bill Clinton, his successor, did too.  Sure, we flirted with disaster with that passive-agressive lefty President, but the election of 1994 set everything aright again.   With a split government (Congress GOP, Executive Dem), the introduction of the Internet, the disappearance of the USSR and the subsequent boom that newly-lowered capital gains had engendered made us  think we were nearly invulnerable to that Carter malaise from so long ago.

But all good things come to an end, and there’s no paradise on this earth, is there?

Just as the bubble popped and we entered recession, we were treated to a hotly disputed Executive election, where Son of Reagan’s Veep took the reigns amidst an economic turndown and soon after, great national tragedy.   War followed, and greater recrimination, and along with war spending came more domestic spending, including additions to Medicare that would prove egregiously expensive.  

Even with the 2003 tax cuts in place, the economy healing and unemployment low, the deficits continued  to climb to hundreds of millions a year.   Our government continued to collectively push an easy money policy both to assist the economic recovery, and more nefariously, to achieve its goals of increased home ownership — the same stated plan that some claim led to the first great market crash and subsequent Great Depression

By 2004, the Republicans that had seized power on the notion of smaller government had become the Establishment.  The myth that deficits could be financed into perpetuity as long as rates remained low and the economy kept growing became entrenched.  The U.S. Congress became a pig fest, and conservatives began abandoning their party in disgust.   In 2006, that disgust and the desire to balance out a War President with a Congressional counter brought Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to power in the U.S. Congress.

This did little to help our deficits, as you can see, and in fact led to policies that would almost ensure a bad ending for our housing bubble, while affording the government-first types the cover of a war and an economic foreboding to add their own Executive — another government-firster–  to the already boiling mixture.


The Fall of 2008 brought financial market crisis like we had not seen since 1987, and it was accompanied by great uncertainty and subsequent unprecedented Congressional  and Treasury action.   It also brought us a combined and unconstrained government that sought to fundamentally unmoor — or perhaps complete the unmooring– of the United States from its Constitutional underpinnings.

Here we are, almost four years into the Pelosi-Reid era, and two years into a very busy Obama Presidency, and the people haave grown tired already of this heavy mantle of “change.”   Some may cynically claim there is no difference with whom is entrusted the power of government, but I think history tells us different.

I have no doubt we will continue to make mistakes as a people, but I also have no doubt that this great document that was left to us will allow us to set those mistakes aright once again.  The sovereignty of the people and the right to free use of their private property is the foundation of this great Republic, and those tenets have not been completely quashed yet.   The people own this country, like no country ever in the history of the world.  And the people will take this country back from those in elected office who would wrest it’s responsiblities and freedoms from them.  

 November is coming, my friends, and thank God for that:

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6weDMH-SCOE 450 300]

My best to you all, and thanks for your weekend attention.


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