Joined Jul 30, 2008
2,107 Blog Posts

Week Update: Ending July 18, 2008, 12 winners 3 losers

Current holdings:
APWR -5.14%
DRYS (short) +2.07%
GG +1.38%
MEA -16.09%
SOL +4.98%
SQM (short) +4.26%
BOH (short) -2.05%
SID (short) +0.26%

GMXR ( +13.76% at 69.90, shorted at 81.05) – partial/completed

HK ( +30.37% at 37.20, 4 days ago at 48.50 )

PCX ( +13.30% at 128.08, shorted 3 days ago at 128.08)

GMXR ( +15.69% at 68.23, shorted 3 days ago at 81.05) – partial

CSIQ ( +7.00% at 35.85, bought at 33.59) – partial/completed

FXP ( +1.85% at 82.51)

GG ( +9.02% at 48.11)

TCK ( +2.57% at 4.95)

GG ( +15.26% at 50.80)

CSIQ ( +14.04% at 38.25 bought at 33.59) – partial

GMXR ( +26.76% at 85.64, bought at 67.47)

YGE ( +2.39% at 15.50, bought at 15.14)

SKF ( -4.3% at 196.48)

TITN ( -2.62% at 26.25 )

MEA ( -11.90% at 14.52) – partial

Trader notes:
I pretty much had a record week. Yeeee ha!! I closed out at least six trades that were at least over 12% gains. Cool.

I think the most impressive thing about my winners is that my holding period for majority, if not all of them,was less than 1 week. My most skilled trade was GMXR on the long and short. I went long for 26%, then shorted it for 16%, for a combined gain of 42%. Let’s say I buy-and-held GMXR, then I would have came up with only about 7% gain. Nevertheless, I wouldn’t really recommend timing stocks like this since it takes a lot of discipline, but then again, our market environment shows its difficult to buy-and-hold right now.

Anyway, I’m super happy that I nailed the upswing and downswing for energy. However, I made a big mistake covering my SKF shorts north of 195… the next two days it dropped to 130. 🙂

Well, have a great weekend! I’m sort of done trading for the rest of the month. I went beyond my expectations… I was hoping for a 5-7% gain, but off the top of my head, I think I went up about 17% this month. That puts my YTD gains to around 148%. I’d say I’m beating the market 😉

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  1. z-stock

    That GOOG trade__i ended down $700 for a 60% loss__the AUG $420 put didn’t do anything, that was pathetic

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  2. Gio

    Too far out. My goog puts up 40 percent. I think ur options calculator is broken Z. They’re not up 400 percent!

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  3. Bluedog

    I said DAMN, you’re en fuego!!!! Nice trading this week!

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  4. z-stock

    i hate my option calculator site __lol It said yesterday i would break even,
    and then today I lost $700, on $1300 invested

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  5. z-stock

    SKF $135 is fib 61%–so, I bought IWM puts EOD—hehe

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  6. z-stock

    GOOG i had aug 560 calls and AUG 420 puts

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  7. z-stock

    so how do i get to fly’s?
    this place has no fly?
    I always come over here to get over to fly’s__he’s not on the blog roll __boo hoo hoo___no mo fly_?

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  8. Gio

    Yeah, why don’t I have a link to legend? Ill link to Fly tonight… Also Dinosaur Trader, he’s loads of funny. They both battle and stuff.

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  9. z-stock

    trading goddess has charts showing dow gets to 12000’s in a hurry ( two weeks) . That makes sense to me. Bear market rally ( fast and furious)

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  10. Gio

    I think the current market conmditions are a metaphor for high surf conditions! Stay out if u can’t ride! But if u can, man can u bank! Just look at the SKF wave!!! Dazaaam. This is definitely a traders market. I expect calmer conditions for the rest of the month. I’m paddling back to shore.

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  11. z-stock

    yeah well I have one scenario where BAC goes up 17% more after earnings__
    WHAT’s that do to SKF?
    and then AXP amc Mon reports and AXP is way too low
    So, best case scenario is BAC misses and AXP beats, I think?

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