Donald's Penthouse

Does Hillary Threaten The End of Men in Politics?

First, a disclaimer: I disavow groping, molestation, lewd sexual advances and whatever else the public deems to be inappropriate behavior. I’ll even disavow Trump’s alleged behavior that he was alleged to have made in the past for bonus points. And to include both sides, I’ll also disavow corruption in politics, selling foreign policy to the highest bidder, as well as alleged stalking and silencing husband’s rape accusers for political gain.

Secondly, I have nothing against women in politics. I encourage it. I think that among both men and women, the most qualified should be given the job. When you include both men and women in the talent pool, it’s a net positive. When you remove 50% of the population of either side, you are going to reduce the talent pool and get worse leaders than if you included 100% of the population as politically correct choices for president.  You can also apply that logic to congress and senate as well.

That’s why there’s is a potential problem for our quality of leadership, and thus our nation. If a simple strategy can eliminate 50% of all people from contention irregardless of how qualified or skilled they are, that’s bad.

People on both sides with high intelligence and credibility will argue that one or another is not qualified. I’ll give both of them the benefit of the doubt, which means there’s at least a good chance that both are horrible options. So where does that leave us?

That leaves us looking at the impact of elections in the future. That means the primary purpose of this election is gender equality.

So that’s why Donald Trump is the only credible choice in this election to preserve equality of opportunity for men and women.

“Haha! Not a chance! You might say?”

Let’s do a mental exercize:

Let’s pretend from the perspective of a political strategist, Gloria Allred is viewed as successful in derailing Trump’s political ambitions. Wouldn’t you think mirroring that approach might also be successful in the future? Of course; there’s no reason to believe otherwise. Since you can mirror these allegations without the presence of an actual crime or court ruling, and the majority of politicians are willing to deceive, you can be confident that this strategy will be used to win until it stops working, even if there is no real evidence of misconduct but accusations. Eventually people are going to realize that it’s a simple blueprint to victory to march dozens of accusers out there

If that’s the case, who wins? Certainly not America. With 50% of the talent pool thrown completely out of the political ring, quality has to go down. That would be the case if women were thrown out as well, because… equality.

Men generally have an externally protective nature to them. They want to save a damsel in distress even if she is a complete stranger, beat the hell out of the bad guy, and bang on their chest while screaming “I’m the king of the world!” and be given a medal for being a hero. Women want to protect their children and get them the hell out of a dangerous situation. It’s often their nature.

Frame the narrative as a “bad” man vs a woman and do enough to make that man look like a “bad guy” and the protective nature kicks in for men as they go attacking the “bad guy” while women want to protect their family and run to the alternative. Continue to frame the male as a sex monster, and there’s almost no hope for man having credibility in politics.

Do this successfully often enough, and men are no longer viable as a political candidate, ever. Even the idea of nominating a man in the primaries when a women is in contention will seem like a losing strategy, forever.

Crying wolf will eventually become mirrored in life as those on TV are role models to children, which in turn dilutes and murkies the waters in distinguishing the legitimate claims from the false accusasions.

At this point when women are no longer believed to be credible when alleging assault, it becomes a battle of the sexes and women and men will have even fewer chances at equal opportunity.

Others have suggested that Hillary is so corrupt and awful as a person that if she is the first women president, she will forever stain and taint the idea of women in power. That people will see her as representative of all women an immediately reject the idea of women in any form of government. I don’t believe that’s true, but if it is, it also risks eliminating half of the political options.

IF both were to happen, and men and women are both no longer viable as candidates, we are doomed to only choose from transgender people who have a 40% suicide rate and only make up 0.30% of the population.

The ability to stay alive is important in a presidential candidate. It’s also important to be more motivated to lead than it is to put an electric toaster in your bathtub or drive off the nearest cliff (fiscal cliff not included). Depressed people tend to not be optomistic, which means they will be looking for problems, not solutions.

But I actually disagree that Hillary will ruin it “completely” for women in politics. Sure, she’s awful, appears corrupt as can be, and may actually sell out this country to the highest bidder, and may represent a slightly larger risk of a very bad outcome with Russia as tough talk with a super power with a lack of respect may lead to tough response and may escalate.

However… Should Hillary lose, there isn’t a child in America growing up that will believe a women can’t be president. Should she win, she’ll go in with such low expectations that even if she is impeached, it’s almost expected. So while people will generally try to avoid women political candidates because of their negative associations with Hillary, it won’t be so bad that women will be as irredeemable as a man with sexual abuse charges.

As president, Trump would also have much more attention on him as well as risk of impeachment, and personal reputation loss as president than as a businessman, and he won’t ever fly commercial airlines as president. He will have undercover reporters and media all over the place trying to account for his every second while getting second hand accounts by questioning everyone he ever talks to.

Should Trump lose, he will have the time on his hands to go back to suing people and flying commercial when his private jet is in the shop.


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One comment

  1. helicopter ben

    Nice post brah, Trump should do a take on the “I am not a role model” Charles Barkley commercial.

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