Full-time stock trader. Follow me here and on 12631
Joined Apr 1, 2010
8,861 Blog Posts

Sunday Matinee at Chess Cinemas


Although I have periodically referenced it I have yet to officially recommend Full Metal Jacket (1987) until now.

Over this Memorial Day weekend, this is one of the darker war films made, in the classic (writer/director) Stanley Kubrick sense.

Matthew Modine, R. Lee Ermey, and Vincent D’Onofrio all turn in memorable performances.

From imdb:

A pragmatic U.S. Marine observes the dehumanizing effects the U.S.-Vietnam War has on his fellow recruits from their brutal boot camp training to the bloody street fighting in Hue.

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Five Stocks Heating Up Into Memorial Day


Courtesy of The PPT algorithm, here are the most current top five readings from my “12631 RELATIVE STRENGTH” custom-made screen, identifying which stocks are exuding some of the best performances to the market at-large at any given moment.

I look for stocks whose Daily PPT Hybrid Score surges, while the Weekly Hybrid has been negative over the past week. This can often yield stocks which are emerging from consolidations.

Members can click here to view and save the screen.

Sorted for at least 500,000 shares of daily average volume to ensure liquidity.

Please click on image to enlarge.



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Searching for Calmer Waters


Small caps are attempting to finally show signs of life back above the 200-day moving average today.

On the zoomed-out hourly chart for the small cap ETF, you can see the well-defined resistance trendline in play dating back over one month. Bulls, of course, want to break up and out of it for calmer waters.

Still, I doubt we see definitive resolution until next week. I remain reticent to get back involved on the short side pretty much anywhere until then, opting instead for quick snapback long plays.

What are you trading today?


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Setups for Some Pre-Holiday Magic


END FEYE are two high beta, short squeeze long ideas for the scalpers today, both seen on shorter-term timeframes, below.

I got long FEYE again yesterday afternoon, and it has a gap-fill actually all the way up to $36.80, though I will likely sell at least some to lock in gains before the weekend.

END Is a small cap energy stock which has gotten obliterated. Over $2.25 today and it can squeeze.





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Stock #Market Recap 05/22/14 {Video}

If you enjoy my blog posts and videos, then I would encourage you to please click on this 12631 hyperlink for more details about joining our great team of traders at a very reasonable price. 12631 is a trading service which @RaginCajun and I direct here at iBankCoin.

Enjoy tonight’s video, and enjoy your evening. 


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