Full-time stock trader. Follow me here and on 12631
Joined Apr 1, 2010
8,861 Blog Posts

The Mortal Kombat Finish Him Stocks


In the event we see a further rally the rest of this week, here are some actionable long ideas which are heavily-shorted.

Please click the screen shot below for a larger view of my “12631 FINISH HIM! SHORT KILLER SCREEN” inside The PPT. Obviously these stocks are going to have the highest percentage of shorts and, according to the algorithm, are set up well to squeeze further.

If this bull goes buck wild, this is a great idea screen.

Members can click here to view and save it.



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Late Night Strategy for Wednesday


AL and the small, thin KFS are long ideas into further strength, seen basing impressively on their respective daily charts, below.

And on the short side, I am stalking SQQQ TZA UVXY longs (two bearish bets and a long volatility play) if we see some signs of buyers losing their grip on the action.

Drop me your top tickers overnight.





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Stock #Market Recap 05/27/14 {Video}

If you enjoy my blog posts and videos, then I would encourage you to please click on this 12631 hyperlink for more details about joining our great team of traders at a very reasonable price. 12631 is a trading service which @RaginCajun and I direct here at iBankCoin.

Enjoy tonight’s video, and enjoy your evening. 

Direct Vimeo Link Click Here

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An Opening in This Chart


I have been focusing a good deal on the Russell of late, and I think for good reason gives its emphasis on risk appetite and recent leadership.

The weekly chart for the ETF, below, still shows a broken steep trend since November 2012 with price now retracing back up to the declining 20-period weekly moving average.

I suspect a good deal rides on whether buyers or sellers wins this battle now. The broken steep trend typically should lead to a deeper pullback even after a reflex rally. But we know how resilient buyers have been for the past few years now, especially since 2013.

The Russell figures to be one of the big tells for this week.



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Swirling Divergences


I am paying extra close attention to volatility into June. We had several winning UVXY long trade inside 12631 throughout this year, even as the chart has cratered overall, due to being exceptionally nimble with our timing.

In terms of a potential multi-day or even multi-week swing long, though, you can see the second chart below of the volatility levered ETF washing out of late.

And yet, the actual VIX on the first chart is green today. I read into this divergence as a general lack of interest by retail traders in buying volatility, likely due to being burned so many times in recent years by doing so with these seemingly broken ETF’s.

It is worth remembering the nature of volatility: It is dead, punishing to longs, and broken until one day when it wakes up and then it isn’t, when we see massive spikes like in 2008, 2010, and even 2011.





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Five Stocks Blowing Their Own Bubbles


Courtesy of The PPT algorithm, here are the most current top five readings from my “12631 RELATIVE STRENGTH” custom-made screen, identifying which stocks are exuding some of the best performances to the market at-large at any given moment.

I look for stocks whose Daily PPT Hybrid Score surges, while the Weekly Hybrid has been negative over the past week. This can often yield stocks which are emerging from consolidations.

Members can click here to view and save the screen.

Sorted for at least 500,000 shares of daily average volume to ensure liquidity.

Please click on image to enlarge.



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