Full-time stock trader. Follow me here and on 12631
Joined Apr 1, 2010
8,861 Blog Posts

Early Christmas for Shopping Malls


Nordstrom, on the first chart below,  has been a consistent long idea we have looked at and is acting quite well today.

In addition, note the Macy’s weekly chart threatening a base breakout into next week over $61.





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Filling the Gap


As promised, once the crude oil ETF declared it would not hold its gap higher entirely from a few weeks back, I sold my long position in black gold yesterday in 12631 to maintain a win on my core entry.

With the bullish breakaway gap thesis now by the wayside, the issue becomes whether this is a mere shakeout or instead some kind of type.

I am inclined to think the former, given that crude is holding the lion’s share of its gains since the spring.

I will be looking for another long entry next week if USO attempts a move back over $39.

A close under $37 would put this idea on the back burner.




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Quality Long Setups from the Strategy Session

The following is just a small excerpt from my latest Weekly Strategy Session (please click on that hyperlink for details about trying it out). which I published for members and 12631 subscribers this past Sunday. 

On further strength, AAPL BLUE GTAT JWN PANW are all stocks sporting charts in uptrends with impressive consolidations of late. Thus, they are candidates to push higher yet, especially into a holiday-shortened week of trading. They are long trading setups on strength.

Note how constructive their daily charts are:

Please click here to continue reading

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Stock #Market Recap 07/02/14 {Video}

If you enjoy my blog posts and videos, then I would encourage you to please click on this 12631 hyperlink for more details about joining our great team of traders at a very reasonable price. 12631 is a trading service which @RaginCajun and I direct here at iBankCoin.

Enjoy tonight’s video, and enjoy your evening. 

Direct Vimeo Link Click Here

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Lots of Dancing Around Today


Some momentum fades today in FB TSLA off the Yellen comments, while holiday week action in USU persists for small traders congregating towards the action.

A good day for the precious metals and miners, again.

Also, I cut my crude oil long for a win on the core entry a loss on the add, and cut my PBPB starter long for a loss.

Overall, it was a strong day with my GTAT SWC gains.

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