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Friday Night Lights, Camera, Action

I will likely post a more in-depth video tomorrow. For now, though, this video seeks to broadly summarize the state of the current market. Please note that the end of the video cut me off a bit, but my point was simply that $FCX has been breaking out on a weekly time frame in a way that suggests the broad market could be on the verge of doing the same.

As usual, if the video screen is too small to watch here on iBC, you can simply double-click the screen and watch it on YouTube.


[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c-MT4emXC9M 450 300]r

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We Sell Gold


I started a 1/2 position in $DZZ, which is the ultrashort Gold play.

All trades are timestamped in The PPT.




  • SHORT: 12% ( long $DZZ, long $QID)

CASH: 32%

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I am Definitely THAT Guy


With my internet out, I am at my local coffee shop. In between being THAT guy at the cafe, wearing a beret and discussing Engels and Marx with my table mate, it occurred to me that many charts have been able to work off overbought conditions during the past two weeks. They have done so without a sharp broad market selloff.

We are seeing underperforming sectors now starting to outperform today, namely the financials, energy and steel names, indicating a sector rotation. Money rotating out of extended leaders, such as in tech, and moving over to the laggards is a sign of a market that does not want to roll over, in my estimation. To me, a big part of trading is about assessing probable outcomes. When trying to ascertain whether this market is topping out, I am going to look at underlying strength and sentiment. With many traders displaying an incredulous at the strength we saw in September, perhaps the first few weeks of October will prove that last month was no anomaly?

There are even some charts that looked to have seen a classic breakdown, but have recovered nicely. As an example, take a look at $AAPL. You will recall that on Tuesday of this week, Apple had a mini flash crash in the morning. Ever since then, though, note how well the stock has recovered, even during down days.





  • SHORT: 8% ($QID)

CASH: 36%

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My Internet is out, so I am posting this from my iPhone.

I sold out out my $MS position and instead loaded up on a full
$GS holding. I also sold out of $PAY for a slight profit after yesterday’s big ramp followed by today’s sharp reversal down.

All trades are timestamped in The PPT.

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If You Love Financials, Raise Your Hand

…that’s what I thought.

I made two trades:

  • I bought a 1/2 starter in $GS.
  • I bought a 1/2 starter in $MS.

Both charts formed hammers or hammer-like candles yesterday, and inverted hammers today. That combination of candles, after a downtrend, is usually a sign of a tradable bottom at least.

May the best bankster win.

All trades timestamped inside The PPT.




  • SHORT: 8% ($QID)

CASH: 30%

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I’m Ova Here Now


I’m ova here now, eating sandwiches in the face of this drama. Some high quality olive oil does wonders for a sandwich, in case you were wondering. Also, a bold espresso washes it down perfectly after you have finished eating.

As tempted as it may be to sell all longs and go short after this morning’s reversal, the market simply does not want to roll over right here, right now. Take an objective look at the price action, and you will see that it is benign. The marquee materials and techs should be down 3%+ across the board, but they are not. Looking at my portfolio, not one position is down 2%. In fact, $PAY is screaming higher. Of course, I still have my long $QID hedge.

Nonetheless, the bears need an afternoon thrust lower to command my respect. I am well aware of the indecision that we have seen over the past several days, fully on display with the string of long dojis that have been printed. It is important to note that the indecision, in and of itself, is still not enough to turn me into a bear at this point in time.

I understand that many of you steadfast bears will just counter this post by arguing that the market will simply roll over tomorrow, and today is merely foreshadowing the move. Perhaps that will be the case. However, after the sustained move higher in the month of September, the bulls have earned the benefit of the doubt, which means the bears must overcome a fairly heavy burden to reverse the trend.

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