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Yearly Archives: 2014

The Super Bowl of Finance: Finnies vs. Homies

We have suddenly, quite weak financials in the likes of COF JPM, bear-flagging after sell-offs on their daily charts.

But we also have the homebuilders catching a nice bid on Friday, like TOL.

This is definitely a spread worth watching to see in which direction it resolves.







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Super Bowl Prediction Thread


Back with some stock ideas and my Weekly Strategy Session later.

But this post is all about football on this Super Bowl Sunday.

Typically, they say that great defense beats great offense in a championship game. Seattle’s great defense, on paper, should contain Peyton Manning and Denver’s offense.

However, I think Peyton caps off a brilliant season and becomes the first NFL quarterback to lead two separate teams (Indianapolis the other, of course) to Super Bowl victories in his career. Also, Denver’s defense is underrated and plays well against the run, which matches them up well versus Seattle’s offense.

Here is my prediction:

Denver: 24

Seattle: 17

How about yours?

For my Las Vegas friends, which bet on the board do you like the most?

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Saturday Night at Chess Cinemas


I recommended Everybody’s All American (1988) a few years back. But, just in case you missed it or needed the reminder, with the football season coming to a close tomorrow evening via the Super Bowl I thought now would be a good time to re-recommend it.

I consider this one a classic, and it is easily my favorite football movie of all-time.

Based on the novel by Frank Deford, Jessica Lange, Dennis Quaid, Timothy Hutton, and John Goodman star in this gripping and memorable tale of life and football.

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Hoping for a Stealth Escape


If you are a bull on the market going forward, especially in the next few weeks, I suspect you are looking for the major energy player Chevron monthly chart to imminently negate (or at least fail to follow-through lower) on the rising wedge breakdown highlighted, first below. Chevron has a massive market cap, and seeing liquidation here can hardly be seen as a good sign for the rest of the tape.

In addition, also keep an eye on the triangulating and increasingly heavy-looking emerging market ETF monthly chart, second below. Recall that the more time it takes to break up and out from a triangle the more buying power is typically used up in the process.





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Saturday Morning Charts


BIDU is checking back to 2011/2012 highs. It will be interesting to see if they hold. Earnings are on Monday.

FB is showing $60.90 as the new downside area to observe to see if the 30-minute chart will push higher yet after the earnings gap.

F remains weak, with room to drop to $14.30, a level with plenty of price memory.

What’s for Saturday breakfast/lunch?







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