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I am a 100% rational liberal who only does things for the good of others.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Status Quo

I’ve been reading the posts in Donald’s Penthouse.


The last post I read was something along the lines of voting for Trump to preserve equal opportunity and the other was a millennial that doesn’t realize how good he has it. Blah, blah, blah…

Fascinating, I’m sure.

Here in Barry’s Basement we address the real hard hitting issues us neo-liberals want to focus on. Like, how do we cash in on a Hillary Presidency?

Anyway, I took time to post my endorsement on a favorite left-leaning financial forum. Let’s go see what my rich “liberal” friends thought about my endorsement. You can read my endorement here.

The quotes below contain selected responses from the members who focus on FIRE or Financially Independent Retired Early for the newbs.

The first gent wants free trade for the unselfish reason of: MAH investments (extra Eric Cartmen). Also, Obamacare is a GIFT to the independently wealthy.


This millionaire has no problem receiving $15,000 per year in ACA subsides and says, “Once you stop working for a living being a democrat is kinda fun.”


And finally DON’T HATE THE PLAYER HATE THE GAME. Being financially independent while receiving subsides for ACA is just like driving on public roads.


So fellow distinguished gents of iBankCoin, with Hillary soon to be our impending Commander-And-Chief you have two options:

When in Rome it and do as Hillary Clinton staffers: “Take the Money”

Or don’t. Be stubborn and head toward the path of extreme degeneracy.

If you choose option two please make sure you do the patriotic thing: pay the highest taxes possible all while paying exorbitant cable TV bills. The fancy cable TV packages will help keep you placated and content with living a high tax / high consumption lifestyle.

Remember, it is the status quo that helps my VTSMX. Stop worrying and learn to love it.

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The Real 100% True Life Reasons to Vote for Hillary Clinton

You may have read about various DNC conspiracies to get Hillary elected or you may have heard about an alleged sex crime cover-up that Hillary enabled and you might be thinking, “Is this who I want representing our National Brand?” Please proceed to throw that cognitive dissonance out because I am here to set you straight and guide you toward the land of milk and honey.

Please consider the fact that Hillary has a goal of a Borderless America. Speaking with a Brazilian bank Hillary stated that her “dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and borders.” Now, I don’t know about you but as a college educated salaried American that sounds absolutely glorious. Imagine a world where 1099 wage earning Americans making $2800 per month compete directly against Peruvian and Chilean workers that earn approximately $550 per month. Hillary will help make this dream a reality by urging congress to sign TPP into law just as she did with NAFTA. Remember, Obama sought to expedite TPP by placing it on fast track status. It will be Hillary’s job to see it through.

Now for some of you this might sound like legalese but just know it will be splendid for our 401Ks and shares of VTSMX. Lower wages and outsourced jobs = Higher corporate profit margins. Don’t believe me? Well, just watch super liberal Robert Reich explain how shareholders like us will make off like bandits:


Some of you might be all high and mighty thinking, “Building wealth at the expense of blue-collar Americans. I have a problem with that.” For the people with a conscience, I think it is time for you to re-frame your perspective. Wage class earners are just like the one-dimensional stereotype that you see on the teevee. Ignorant and foolish portrayed as President Obama himself once said, “clinging to their guns and religion.” Deplorable? Sure whatever. Just insert any self-serving dogma as you please because the sneering mockery of the blue-collar worker is DESERVED.

Ok, so now that you have gotten past the “feeling guilty thing.” Let’s get back to the bottom-line. Start imagining dollar signs right now because IT GETS EVEN BETTER. You see Obama signed a little known law into effect called “Obamacare.” It is the crown jewel for those of us that are on the path toward a high net-worth. If you haven’t figured it out yet: You can retire with an extremely high net-worth and you can receive healthcare absolutely FREE. Don’t believe me? Famed blogger Mr. Money Mustache can explain it better than I so I won’t bother to go into all the details (see link below). Some of you might say, “Technically it’s not free” because it is subsidized by wage earners but remember these are the same people clinging to archaic ideas like religion and patriotism. These people are practically asking for it!

You might be thinking that this is just too good to be true because Hillary has declared herself against TPP on a debate stage and has also said she will be going after the wealthy. Well, have no fear they are just words to appease The Third Estate because in front of a wall street audience Hillary said that to be “successful, politically” you “need both a public and private position” on policy.

Friends, the choice is clear. Hillary is a dream candidate that allows people in my position to live a life of high net worth all while accessing free healthcare. She is far better prepared to push my agenda and that is why #IMWITHHER.

Obamacare: Friend of the Entrepreneur and Early Retiree

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