It seems so obvious


(dipping into my macro vat…)

But OF COURSE a debt ceiling deal will occur in time. It is so obvious that America can still pay its bills and walk the dog and wash its windows that it is inconceivable America would fail to pass such a provision. We have learned our lesson. There is no way another Lehman-like event can occur. Simply, we are motivated by recent history to act in time to prevent another end-of-the-world breach.

I mean, look at the precedents. First and foremost is Bear Stearns, immediately after which Old Man Bernanke warned banks to shore up balance sheets against potential disaster. Good thing they listened to him before Lehman occurred, right?


4 Responses to “It seems so obvious”

  1. Never underestimate the stupidity of people like BACHMAN.

  2. Our an brilliant mind like OBAMA.

  3. Not to worry, the debt ceiling will be raised, as it has been the last 74 times. The politicians will do what they are best at, kick the can down the road. They won’t attach any spending cuts or revenue increases to it however.

    Not to worry for the time being. Stocks will rise once again after this round is complete.

    More and more prognosticators are starting to come out of the woodwork talking about things falling apart sometime in the near future. I agree with them. Circa Sept/Oct 2012 will mark the end of it all.

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