Joined Jan 1, 1970
509 Blog Posts

Sold FNM @ $10.09

All out 12:25 ET.

I don’t like how this has developed since the opening.

[[FNM]] is too difficult to analize [sic] at this time. Sure, it won’t be allowed to fail, but at what cost to common stock holders?

Back during the depression of the 1930’s, when the govt took over the banks, shareholders equity was wiped out.

Welcome to the new century. [[FNM]] and [[FRE]] might be headed down the same path now that Hank has shown us his cards. Essentially he made the right choice, but the result now appears to be less certain….. So I got out. One always has to keep re-evaluating the info available and act accordingly.

I’m just happy to get out with a tidy profit. If [[FNM]] and [[FRE]] rocket up from here, I will personally send Hank a congratulatory note with a set of steak knives.

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