Breakout Watch 3.26.12


Lots of repeat charts this week. All still looking great but missing the key ingredient; volume.

EXPE – Watch for a move above this descending trend line with above average volume.

FFIV – Looking for a move above $134 with solid volume. The move on 3.19.12 is a perfect example of why you want to see heavy volume to push a stock higher.

CF – I am watching $192.75 with above average volume.

VMW – $110 with volume. Nice low volume consolidation.

WYNN – Would like to see a move above $130.75 — Still looking good after clearing that descending trend line from last July.

EFX – The blue circles are just an example of exactly what I love to see a stock do. This is a text book example of a healthy stock working higher. Buy trigger is $44.55 with continued volume interest.

AMZN – Not sure if I am comfortable enough to swing this one yet.  However, after clearing $196.50 on heavy volume I think it’s an easy move to $199.

AZO – Getting ready to clear this descending trend line. Watch volume. This low volume “pull back” is very healthy.

ENDP – It’s been in this base for a few months now. Watching the volume for confirmation for the next leg higher.

PII -This one had a real nice run on Friday. Watching for a follow through day tomorrow.

TWX – Another great move from Friday. Cleared this resistance on above average volume. Watching for confirmation.

Trade Safe,


3 Responses to “Breakout Watch 3.26.12”

  1. nice job — if you go even further back on EXPE to both monthly and weekly charts, it’s pushing all time highs and it isn’t overextended on those time frames

    • affluenzavirus

      EXPE is definitely one of my favs for this week. I’m hoping the volume is there.

  2. These worked awesome today!

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