Watching the World Burn From My Comfy Chair


Everybody got a comfy seat to watch the collapse of the system? It should be a good one. The Euro-Socialists have blown their wad on Greece – the lesser of all the impending economic collapses. Next up – Italy. A country too big to fail and too big to save. Sort of like California here in the States.

Unless the West stops spending, right now, virtually every single country is going to default. There is no way the United States can ever honor 15 trillion in debts. Plus the entitlements of course. No way. Unless there are massive cuts and government shrinks. And this will never happen no matter what asshole occupies the big chair in the White House. Too many special interests want government cheese. Politicians will never cede power. Too many dependent on government welfare.

The United States government is demonstrating its massive stupidity in putting their latest hopes and dreams on the so-called Super Committee. 6 GOP and 6 liberal asshats are supposed to make a decision where the Congress didn’t have the balls or intelligence to make. So what happens? More gridlock. Just in a smaller group. Shocking.

The “Occupy” movement is showing the world what Democracy looks like. It’s why this country used to be a functioning Republic. Democracy sucks. Loving the violence from the Occupiers though.

Sustaining Debt While Delaying the Inevitable


“Debt is now sustainable.” If there was any statement that would make me pause in a financial sense that would be at the top of the list. For the second time Greece is getting a bailout. 1.4 trillion dollars are being spent to essentially bail out the EU. Does anyone really think this will solve the problems?

Sure, banks and markets get a tasty reprieve. Like the money printing packages in the States I fully expect the markets to go up with this massive amount of cash infusion. As I type this crap, the DOW is up 246 points.

I like to think I am an opportunist. I am wholly bearish on the economy as long as the governments of the world continue to meddle with it. But I will be happy to ride along with the cronies as they get bailed out by the government. Crude is up 3% on the news which makes me happy to be an investor in SLB, HAL and BHI. GDP is inexplicably up 2.5% which makes me happy to be invested in consumer related shit. People can only save money for so long before it starts to burn a hole in their pocket.

Look, I really have little technical understanding about the Euro debt deal. Some banks are saved. Money nobody has is spent. Currency races to the bottom. Cans get kicked down the road. The stock market goes up. And eventually the governments default and collapse anyway.

The bears are going to be crushed again. As long as the stock monkeys believe that the government will protect their market then you have to be a player. There is absolutely no way the central planners are going to let these markets crash. One day they will but not today.

I doubt you would find anyone but the most ardent socialist believing that this Greece bailout will ultimately work. Everyone is happy that the collapse is averted and won’t happen today but the eventuality is that the EU is dead. And when that happens I sure would hate to be a French or German leader. I have a feeling many heads are going to be split on a pike one day.


A driver was stuck in a traffic jam on the highway outside Washington, DC. Nothing was moving. Suddenly, a man knocks on the window.

The driver rolls down the window and asks, “What’s going on?”

“Terrorists have kidnapped Congress, and they’re asking for a $100 million dollar ransom. Otherwise, they are going to douse them all in gasoline and set them on fire. We are going from car to car, collecting donations.”

“How much is everyone giving, on average?” the driver asks.

The man replies, “Roughly a gallon.”

When is 1% Not 1%?


You are the 1% if you are not liberal apparently. Michael Moore was on CNN and he was surprisingly grilled by Piers Morgan about whether or not he was in the 1%. It went down like this:

Morgan: You’re in the one percent, right?

Moore: I’m not in the one percent, no. But I am–

Morgan: Probably .2 percent?

Moore: No, I am not.

Morgan: You’re one of the most successful film makers in the country.

Moore: No, I am not. For a documnetary film maker, I do very well.

Morgan: Well, now you’re splitting hairs.

Moore: There’s a big difference between a documentary and Avatar.


Morgan: I need you to admit the bleeding obvious. I need you to sit here and say, ‘I’m in the one percent.’

Moore: Well I can’t, because I’m not.

Morgan: You are though.

Moore: No, I’m not.

Morgan: You’re not in the one percent?

Moore: Of course I’m not! How can I be in the one percent?

Morgan: Because you’re worth millions.

Moore: No that’s not true. Listen, I do really well. I do well. But what’s the point, though?

Morgan: The point is because I find it more interesting if you’re in the one percent, because I think you probably are you qualify, that you are railing against a lot of capitalist ideals.

The plus-sized man is reportedly worth $50 million.

The hypocrisy is rather interesting from the OWS movement. The kids all say they are railing against capitalism, I think, but they each sit around wearing designer distressed jeans Tweeting on their iPhone drinking a mocha from StarBucks. Asshats like Moore and Russell Simmons claim solidarity with the movement yet go home to their million dollar consumable goods. I guess like The Fly Tweeted it is much easier to be socialist after you become rich.

The Blaze listed the top ten richest celebrities supporting the Occupy movement. You could rename the list the top 10 richest hypocrites.

For the 53% we simply choke on expanding government entitlements and power.

OWS and the Tea Party actually have some things in common. The difference is OWS believes that the economic system needs MORE government interference while the Tea Party wants LESS. But at the core both movements know something is terribly wrong. The problem is the government. The Tea Party is on target. The problem is crony capitalism. That much both movements can agree on. The problem is not Wall Street. The OWS is wrong. But again, the solution comes from two vastly different ideologies.

Anyway, I am tired of these rich Hollywood liberal types taking advantage of the capitalist system and actively seeking its demise after they got theirs. If they were honest libs, which is an oxy-moron, they would simply give their wealth straight to the Treasury coffers and live the best they could on less than 6 figures like the rest of us.

Watching the World Burn From My Comfy Chair


Everybody got a comfy seat to watch the collapse of the system? It should be a good one. The Euro-Socialists have blown their wad on Greece – the lesser of all the impending economic collapses. Next up – Italy. A country too big to fail and too big to save. Sort of like California here in the States.

Unless the West stops spending, right now, virtually every single country is going to default. There is no way the United States can ever honor 15 trillion in debts. Plus the entitlements of course. No way. Unless there are massive cuts and government shrinks. And this will never happen no matter what asshole occupies the big chair in the White House. Too many special interests want government cheese. Politicians will never cede power. Too many dependent on government welfare.

The United States government is demonstrating its massive stupidity in putting their latest hopes and dreams on the so-called Super Committee. 6 GOP and 6 liberal asshats are supposed to make a decision where the Congress didn’t have the balls or intelligence to make. So what happens? More gridlock. Just in a smaller group. Shocking.

The “Occupy” movement is showing the world what Democracy looks like. It’s why this country used to be a functioning Republic. Democracy sucks. Loving the violence from the Occupiers though.

Sustaining Debt While Delaying the Inevitable


“Debt is now sustainable.” If there was any statement that would make me pause in a financial sense that would be at the top of the list. For the second time Greece is getting a bailout. 1.4 trillion dollars are being spent to essentially bail out the EU. Does anyone really think this will solve the problems?

Sure, banks and markets get a tasty reprieve. Like the money printing packages in the States I fully expect the markets to go up with this massive amount of cash infusion. As I type this crap, the DOW is up 246 points.

I like to think I am an opportunist. I am wholly bearish on the economy as long as the governments of the world continue to meddle with it. But I will be happy to ride along with the cronies as they get bailed out by the government. Crude is up 3% on the news which makes me happy to be an investor in SLB, HAL and BHI. GDP is inexplicably up 2.5% which makes me happy to be invested in consumer related shit. People can only save money for so long before it starts to burn a hole in their pocket.

Look, I really have little technical understanding about the Euro debt deal. Some banks are saved. Money nobody has is spent. Currency races to the bottom. Cans get kicked down the road. The stock market goes up. And eventually the governments default and collapse anyway.

The bears are going to be crushed again. As long as the stock monkeys believe that the government will protect their market then you have to be a player. There is absolutely no way the central planners are going to let these markets crash. One day they will but not today.

I doubt you would find anyone but the most ardent socialist believing that this Greece bailout will ultimately work. Everyone is happy that the collapse is averted and won’t happen today but the eventuality is that the EU is dead. And when that happens I sure would hate to be a French or German leader. I have a feeling many heads are going to be split on a pike one day.


A driver was stuck in a traffic jam on the highway outside Washington, DC. Nothing was moving. Suddenly, a man knocks on the window.

The driver rolls down the window and asks, “What’s going on?”

“Terrorists have kidnapped Congress, and they’re asking for a $100 million dollar ransom. Otherwise, they are going to douse them all in gasoline and set them on fire. We are going from car to car, collecting donations.”

“How much is everyone giving, on average?” the driver asks.

The man replies, “Roughly a gallon.”

When is 1% Not 1%?


You are the 1% if you are not liberal apparently. Michael Moore was on CNN and he was surprisingly grilled by Piers Morgan about whether or not he was in the 1%. It went down like this:

Morgan: You’re in the one percent, right?

Moore: I’m not in the one percent, no. But I am–

Morgan: Probably .2 percent?

Moore: No, I am not.

Morgan: You’re one of the most successful film makers in the country.

Moore: No, I am not. For a documnetary film maker, I do very well.

Morgan: Well, now you’re splitting hairs.

Moore: There’s a big difference between a documentary and Avatar.


Morgan: I need you to admit the bleeding obvious. I need you to sit here and say, ‘I’m in the one percent.’

Moore: Well I can’t, because I’m not.

Morgan: You are though.

Moore: No, I’m not.

Morgan: You’re not in the one percent?

Moore: Of course I’m not! How can I be in the one percent?

Morgan: Because you’re worth millions.

Moore: No that’s not true. Listen, I do really well. I do well. But what’s the point, though?

Morgan: The point is because I find it more interesting if you’re in the one percent, because I think you probably are you qualify, that you are railing against a lot of capitalist ideals.

The plus-sized man is reportedly worth $50 million.

The hypocrisy is rather interesting from the OWS movement. The kids all say they are railing against capitalism, I think, but they each sit around wearing designer distressed jeans Tweeting on their iPhone drinking a mocha from StarBucks. Asshats like Moore and Russell Simmons claim solidarity with the movement yet go home to their million dollar consumable goods. I guess like The Fly Tweeted it is much easier to be socialist after you become rich.

The Blaze listed the top ten richest celebrities supporting the Occupy movement. You could rename the list the top 10 richest hypocrites.

For the 53% we simply choke on expanding government entitlements and power.

OWS and the Tea Party actually have some things in common. The difference is OWS believes that the economic system needs MORE government interference while the Tea Party wants LESS. But at the core both movements know something is terribly wrong. The problem is the government. The Tea Party is on target. The problem is crony capitalism. That much both movements can agree on. The problem is not Wall Street. The OWS is wrong. But again, the solution comes from two vastly different ideologies.

Anyway, I am tired of these rich Hollywood liberal types taking advantage of the capitalist system and actively seeking its demise after they got theirs. If they were honest libs, which is an oxy-moron, they would simply give their wealth straight to the Treasury coffers and live the best they could on less than 6 figures like the rest of us.