When is 1% Not 1%?


You are the 1% if you are not liberal apparently. Michael Moore was on CNN and he was surprisingly grilled by Piers Morgan about whether or not he was in the 1%. It went down like this:

Morgan: You’re in the one percent, right?

Moore: I’m not in the one percent, no. But I am–

Morgan: Probably .2 percent?

Moore: No, I am not.

Morgan: You’re one of the most successful film makers in the country.

Moore: No, I am not. For a documnetary film maker, I do very well.

Morgan: Well, now you’re splitting hairs.

Moore: There’s a big difference between a documentary and Avatar.


Morgan: I need you to admit the bleeding obvious. I need you to sit here and say, ‘I’m in the one percent.’

Moore: Well I can’t, because I’m not.

Morgan: You are though.

Moore: No, I’m not.

Morgan: You’re not in the one percent?

Moore: Of course I’m not! How can I be in the one percent?

Morgan: Because you’re worth millions.

Moore: No that’s not true. Listen, I do really well. I do well. But what’s the point, though?

Morgan: The point is because I find it more interesting if you’re in the one percent, because I think you probably are you qualify, that you are railing against a lot of capitalist ideals.

The plus-sized man is reportedly worth $50 million.

The hypocrisy is rather interesting from the OWS movement. The kids all say they are railing against capitalism, I think, but they each sit around wearing designer distressed jeans Tweeting on their iPhone drinking a mocha from StarBucks. Asshats like Moore and Russell Simmons claim solidarity with the movement yet go home to their million dollar consumable goods. I guess like The Fly Tweeted it is much easier to be socialist after you become rich.

The Blaze listed the top ten richest celebrities supporting the Occupy movement. You could rename the list the top 10 richest hypocrites.

For the 53% we simply choke on expanding government entitlements and power.

OWS and the Tea Party actually have some things in common. The difference is OWS believes that the economic system needs MORE government interference while the Tea Party wants LESS. But at the core both movements know something is terribly wrong. The problem is the government. The Tea Party is on target. The problem is crony capitalism. That much both movements can agree on. The problem is not Wall Street. The OWS is wrong. But again, the solution comes from two vastly different ideologies.

Anyway, I am tired of these rich Hollywood liberal types taking advantage of the capitalist system and actively seeking its demise after they got theirs. If they were honest libs, which is an oxy-moron, they would simply give their wealth straight to the Treasury coffers and live the best they could on less than 6 figures like the rest of us.

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