Watching the World Burn From My Comfy Chair


Everybody got a comfy seat to watch the collapse of the system? It should be a good one. The Euro-Socialists have blown their wad on Greece – the lesser of all the impending economic collapses. Next up – Italy. A country too big to fail and too big to save. Sort of like California here in the States.

Unless the West stops spending, right now, virtually every single country is going to default. There is no way the United States can ever honor 15 trillion in debts. Plus the entitlements of course. No way. Unless there are massive cuts and government shrinks. And this will never happen no matter what asshole occupies the big chair in the White House. Too many special interests want government cheese. Politicians will never cede power. Too many dependent on government welfare.

The United States government is demonstrating its massive stupidity in putting their latest hopes and dreams on the so-called Super Committee. 6 GOP and 6 liberal asshats are supposed to make a decision where the Congress didn’t have the balls or intelligence to make. So what happens? More gridlock. Just in a smaller group. Shocking.

The “Occupy” movement is showing the world what Democracy looks like. It’s why this country used to be a functioning Republic. Democracy sucks. Loving the violence from the Occupiers though.

One Response to “Watching the World Burn From My Comfy Chair”

  1. Agree and disagree. The US can and will honor it’s 15 trilly debt in a currency (USD) it itself creates. That’s how we remain sovereign.

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