Tea Party and Occupiers Should Come Together Against Establishment


I’ve been thinking about the “Occupy” movement and the Tea Party. I’ve been giving some thought to the corrupt Democrat and GOP party.

I’m not sure if people are seeing the potential for historical relevance that the Tea Party and Occupy movements are having on the political discord in this country.

As crazy as it sounds I think it is conceivable that the Tea Party and Occupy movements will one day merge into something far bigger than the establishments want to admit.

I think that is why the GOP was quick to subvert the Tea Party and is why the Democrats have quickly embraced the Occupiers.

The “establishment” Dems and GOP are not that different. They want the status quo. Spending on wars and military and entitlements.

At the core, the Tea Party nor the Occupiers want this. I think the average Occupier want the government out of their lives just as much as the Tea Partiers.

It may appear that the Occupiers want more government but I’m beginning to believe that is just media bias. The media, big business and big government all seem to want the same thing: status quo.

They are also extremely scared of the changes that could happen if the Tea Party and Occupiers are not folded into the establishment tents.

Want to see the establishment completely shit themselves? Have the movements come together for an accord.

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