Workout and Diet Update


Before I deliver my picks for tomorrow…

I’ve got some workout videos from the explosive leg work I did on Saturday. As you know I carb back load, but I drink beer, so maybe not really? Anyways, it definitely helps lean me out, even when drinking beer. I have really liked my gains and energy up to this point, but lately have noticed a serious decrease in strength on my max effort days. Thus, I started introducing a small amount of medium to fast acting carbs on my max effort days, white rice and the like. This has been helping, but now I have to makeup ground. I used to regularly be able to do sets of two with 385 lbs on the bench press, and 405 lbs for two reps once or twice a month. Lately, 365 lbs for two reps has been a struggle. Whereas, the 385 and 405 I would do by myself and wouldn’t even question not having a spotter. Maybe it’s a psychological thing? Either way, my energy or my mental strength has increased. I’ve seen the same in my deadlift and clean, but my squat seems to stay the same. I’m horrible at cleans and snatches, by the way.

One other thing, as mentioned in a previous blog, I have also gone back to “moving the weight” as opposed to “moving the muscle,” as is explained in this post. My arms have exploded since, to the tune of an eighth of an inch in just two weeks or so. Awesome. That’s just how MY body works I guess, but when I was a kid I was a skinny little tiny thing, then got chubby in middle school. I’ve tried every different training method and this seems the best for me, for my goals. If you want to be BIG and STRONG, without drugs, I think this is how to do it.

In this first video you can see me jumping on a 30″ box effortlessly, landing with the silence of a ninja, at over 270 lbs.

In this video I am doing heavy banded squats for speed. On the bar there’s 255 lbs of weight plus 120 lbs of bands, for a total of 375 lbs, and please note, I come to a full stop at the bottom, with the heels of my feet often coming off the surface. I only did three reps on this set, for sake of the video upload time, then took the 35’s off, put two more 45’s and two 10’s on, raising the total to, to 415 lbs. I did two sets with that weight for 6 reps, then pyramided down to where I had 105 lbs on the bar and the 120 lb bands, doing that for 10 reps, the last three of which were SUPER ugly.

One Response to “Workout and Diet Update”

  1. that’s a sick boss jump Rhino, you cleared that. I bet 40 inch is doable.

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