Valentine’s Day Massacre [No Chainsaw]


In the far off land of China, beneath the pollution and acid rain, resides a market where the demand for rhino horn and tiger penises is so high, they sell for more than the price of gold. They think this will grow their dong or make them better in bed, when in all actuality it doesn’t do anything. Is an endangered animal’s life really worth your pathetic attempts to not be hung like a light switch? I was talking to my dad about this the other day in an email and he said this:

I have long thought that if I had my life to live over and things had turned out differently, that’s something I’d wish to be involved in doing…

The Apple doesn’t fall far it seems. I don’t know why genetically we are predisposed to fight for those who can’t fight for themselves, but we are. This is also one of the reasons I want to cleave trolls with a battle ax. I don’t have to share with you what I am trading personally, especially if it’s a small cap, or illiquid name, but I do. The Fly shouldn’t either, how many picks has he given you that have gone on 5th degree exponential rips? That’s what I thought, but you ass clowns still troll him. Don’t you have anything better to do? Surely you could take your mother out for a fine dinner on Valentino’s Day at Waffle House for letting you live in her basement, and for making you Hamburger Helper whenever you want it. I digress, but I will highlight a few names that I have killed it in so far this year– and if you must know, EXK and LULU are my worst trades, so far, this year.

ISRG calls 370%

NFLX 30%

YCS 12%

PMM 6% plus monthly dividend

WNR 18%


ELLI 3% plus today’s AH action

Did I have bad ones, yes, and I still have some on my book led by EXK, LULU, and then there was ZNGA short that I previously covered. The point, if you don’t like my trading style, that’s your right, but keep your idiocy elsewhere. This site is reserved for gentlemen of the first order, not cowardly scum. We are here to bank coin, as the moniker says. I hope you all had a good Valentine’s Day, which leads me to one last point. Why are single girls in my ‘hood/city so pathetic about being single on Valentine’s Day, IT’S A MADE UP HOLIDAY! Being single on a cold dreary day in the middle of December is far worse than a gorgeous one in the middle of February, right? Maybe you need to change your world outlook and stop complaining about finding a man when you are not doing anything to achieve it. As usual, everyone wants the easy road.

We need some volume. Top picks, ELLI, SWHC, RGR, HON

6 Responses to “Valentine’s Day Massacre [No Chainsaw]”

  1. ELLI – Is this a long term hold? Do you have a target price in mind?

  2. When I was a kid I wanted to grow up to be a poacher hunter. It’s legal to kill them in some places.

  3. You want to cleave trolls, and you’ve written about one type of troll, the mocker. There’s a worse type of troll, the pretender. This troll is always in the right stocks. He owns Heinz. Or owned APKT. Or bought BX under $17. This troll always tells you about his stocks after they’ve made a big move. The pretender is a braggart starving for the attention he doesn’t get offline. A mocker usually has a narrow target, one person, or just a few. The pretender is worse because he offends everyone. There are more pretenders on this website than any other kind of troll. Please kill as many of these as you can.

  4. I meant to add: the pretender never posts his entries. This troll dares not declare a new position within hours of entry because if he does, the mask falls off to reveal a fraud.

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