First off, let me say I feel for the 500,000 without power. That’s rough, especially in those conditions, you folks are in our thoughts.

Now, according to the traffic tracking page I was provided with when first getting an interim tab on 12/14/2012, I have over 100,000 page views. I understand that there is a discrepency with the Google Analytics traffic stats, (Google rapes me again), so that I may not actually have 100,000 views. Either way, I never thought I would get a fraction of that, that just shows you how strong this site is. I’d really like to thank our great leader for giving me the opportunity  all the people who voted for me, and especially the people who read my posts and share them on Twitter. I’m going to try my best in the coming weeks to get my readership up so that I can stay here. If I’m unable to, then again I just want to thank you all for the opportunity and the support, it’s been awesome: learning, conversing, and profiting with everyone. Here’s a screenshot of my views:

5 Responses to “100,000 Views”

  1. Well done, Rhino.

  2. 100k is pretty awesome. Count ol’ Unc as being on your team.

  3. nice work, cheers boss

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