The Day After


My body is the perfect representation of the market’s current state. I don’t really feel horrible, but I sure don’t feel normal, and I am fairly certain my liver hurts. This could also be a figment of my imagination, created by my brain in order to stop the assault upon my internal organs. Did Hemingway experience the same? I hate to sound like an arse, but it would seem that with yesterday’s game being the last of Ray Lewis’ career, the officiating corps sure made some questionable, and in a few cases down right horrible, calls. I’m quite dejected, and the fact that we consumed no less than 30 India Paled Ales yesterday, is only making it worse.

The market is a funny thing, no? You’d think the day after the Super Bowl it it wouldn’t care about Europe, but it does. Look at European markets and sovereign yields, blown out. Can you imagine a normal day of trading where the market drops 3%? That’s crazy, but what’s even crazier is Berlusconi saying that if he is elected that there will be no austerity. Wait what? How are you going to pay off your debts? I loathe the Mediterranean States, while their populations sip wine and eat hummus and pizza, my northern brothers and sisters have been drawn into their idiocy through the great experiment that is the Euro Zone. If I was a German I would be so mad, I’d probably have to take a train to Milan and just start punching little idiots in the face.

I couldn’t care less about art, food, and wine. That’s not what makes the world go ’round, what makes the world go ’round is innovation and the work ethic that comes with it. How long do you think the Germans take for lunch? You won’t see them napping either. There’s a reason Athens and later Rome fell, and the idiots there have not been able to fix their laziness. I assume it to be much harder these days, considering that all the hard working folks from said countries came to the US and worked their asses off.

The highlight of my day so far is the >4% move in NFLX, providing me with near 20% gains, “hey there sailor!” Otherwise it’s a blood bath out there, with my book down -2.5% on the day.

One Response to “The Day After”

  1. Tough loss.

    As a mostly objective observer (I hate the Ravens more than anything other than the Philadelphia Flyers and New England Patriots), I think I would have rather been on the losing end of that 28-6 game than the way it ended up. Sure, the 49ers had a shot in the end…but they also stupidly burned 2 timeouts on pre-snap nonsense (including the one inside the 10 on the last drive).

    Kaepernick’s ceiling is incredibly high, but there is also a reason why there aren’t many QB’s in NFL history to win a Super Bowl after only starting 9 games as a professional. They’ll be back.

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