American Idol


Look at him on top of his pedestal. Parades, speeches, balls? That all sounds like a king’s birthday. Am I right? In 2009, “festivities cost about $170 million (source).” No one knows exactly how much this one is going to cost. Apparently private donors covered the balls, but that’s the least they could do. Healthcare company CEO’s by chance? Then he has a self-professed crack dealer sitting behind him who is welcomed with open arms, but they boo Paul Ryan. What is wrong with society? Everyone, including the media was all over inauguration coverage today, but not once did someone say “We are approaching the ‘Debt Ceiling’ and no one wants to address the effect all these events will have on the taxpayers?”

Seriously? In 1944 FDR didn’t have any inauguration events because the country was at war and trying to come out of a depression. Sound at all familiar? Obviously not to the same extent, but still. I could go on about this, but the bottom line is; idolizing our commander-in-chief is not what the founding fathers wanted, and if the President really wanted what was best for the country why would he spend so much to honor himself?

7 Responses to “American Idol”

  1. Thanks for telling it like it was and Is …A real breath of fresh air..Hit the nail on the Fed,I mean the Head.He is the Head, just ask him!

  2. Disagree with you on this. Not a fan of his but it’s a great moment that happens once every four years… a great reason to celebrate the winner of a semi-democratic process.

    I personally couldn’t care less, but a lot of people enjoy it and it’s a way for Americans to be proud together.

  3. He is just the figurehead for a society that (as a whole) cares more about the fucktarded adventures of three no-talent hack sisters than they do about anything of substance.

    Just the other day I read an article about men (who no doubt sport tiny penises) using watches (no shit, that fucking thing that tells time on your wrist) as a status symbol to attract women…and, even better: WOMEN ACTUALLY FALL FOR THIS SHIT. Surely the spawn of these people will make significant positive contributions to society.

    How do you expect the elected head of this society fixated on the material and inane to act? Surely not with modesty and restraint, right?

    It’s a party!


    • Always with the epic comments.

    • That’s my hypothesis for the situation the country is in. It all comes down to a general population that has become more dim-witted and dumb than ever. It appears that soon the majority of people in the country will be imbeciles. Unlike other periods of crisis in the United States, this time most of the population is not capable or ready to take the individual actions necessary to solve the fundamental problems.

      Over the weekend, in a “nice” shopping area, I saw nothing but losers, self absorbed, people acting stupid, with attitude and entitlement A couple homeless people were the only ones that seemed to have a grip on reality, compared to the delusional behavior of the other jackasses, who were talking nonsense on cell phones, buying crap, etc.

      Walking the dog Sunday, I passsed a young guy, recently bought a 375K house (made of plastic from China), he has a wife and two kids. The garage door was up, and inside it was packed with consumer crap, now falling into the driveway.. Wife comes out and they are peering at all the stuff. Exactly where are they going with all this?

      A country of dolts, who have been conned, played like chumps.

      Thanks for putting up with my occasional rants here.

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