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Tag Archives: SLW

No Prison Planet Pooftahs, Please

Sgt. Schultz
I Know…. Nosssink! 


Regrettably, it’s come to my recent attention that my site has become infiltrated by black bag conspiracy nuts of the Alex Jones variety.  I would ask without undue rancor that knot-heads believing in the alleged 911 “Inside Job,”  the Barack Obama Birth Certificate Kerfuffle or the Bilderbergian/Illuminati Central Axis Hypothesis (whatever that means) to kindly pole-stave off to a nearby conspiracy swamp of their choosing.

You see, all political movements — left and right — have their nutty fringe, and I’d rather not indulge those fringes right now given the seriousness of our national economic and social plight.

 So please, continue thinking that you’ve got that Jewish Lobby Puppet Master thing all figured out, and do keep proferring your legal brief claiming Barack Obama is just George Bush in more fashionably cut business attire.   That’s all fine for the Cheetohs and Miller LiteLone Rifleman meetings you’ve been conducting in Mom’s basement apartment, but this site is not for such erudition.

And don’t get me wrong,  it’s not just about your poor spelling and ham-handed grasp of the Queen’s grammar that’s putting me off.  Generally, that’s an amusing byproduct, in truth.

No, the ban is really about getting serious.   We’ve got a little over a month to go to make sure the bums on both sides of the aisle get the message that we are too well informed an electorate to allow another ten year Great Depression to come about under our watch.    It’s time to make sure that we have representatives educated in economics and U.S. Civics as a baseline. 

 That means no more “government-first”  initiatives, and the only time the word “investment” should come out of a poltician’s mouth is when he or she is referring to the myriad free choices for risk capital available to the private sector.   If these rubes can’t understand “First, do no harm,” then they must at least understand “Stand down, and let the people govern themselves.”

You see, it’s an ironic verity that the PPP’s mentioned in today’s title are actually  giving the “government-firsters” ample cover by repeating their paraonoic’s claims.   In fact, it seems PPP’s can’t realize that the people who would imprison them are not wearing the jackboots of their dark dreams, but instead carrying the clip-boards and white coats of the empathetic and concerned bureaucrat. 

It’s this attitude of creeping  incrementalism that must end.   Only by remaining wholly rational in its face can we hope to return to the principles — by no means perfect, but always powerful and disposed towards freedom — that brought this country to its acme.

Instead of cursing the darkness,  light a blowtorch, and think about which candidates are seeking to keep your markets and by proxy, your civilization, free.  Then go and give them every hand you can spare.


Looks like the dollar may have temporarily bottomed late Friday afternoon, as it’s rebounded about a quarter over the low $78 it posted then.  Tonight (midnight Monday morning) has dollar trading at $78.24 and gold and silver about flat.  I continue to hope for a bit of a pullback here, but I’m not counting any chickens and would advise caution in the coming days.   October is seasonally weak for gold, so you might be on the lookout for a nice bit of weakness with which you might ride Santa’s sleigh into the Yule holidays.

Still hedged on SLW and ANV, everything else is foot loose and fancy free.    My best to you all.


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I Really Love This Silly Fat Bastid

[youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UK_CZdS0K6o&feature=related 450 300]

Is he too fat to be President?


Governor Christie of New Joisey (that of the Short Hills Mall) rocks, plain and simple.  He is the fat, sweaty Tony Soprano Reagan of our time.   He doesn’t take the schinola from the mealy mouthed press looking to characterize him, and he doesn’t take any crap from public service union hacks:

[youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R0Nqk9e1kfY 450 300]

That’s some serious Porky v. Porky action there, but the diff is — Govenor Porky really wants to peel the pork back from the bloated Jersey public sector.  Even better– he’s succeeding!  What better crusader could we enlist to take on the corrupt SEIU and the other public service unions living off the transference of our tax dollars?

In weeks ahead, I will likely be focused on electoral issues, as we head into the extremely crucial mid-term elections of 2010.   But whatever may happen on that date, we will still have the failed Obama Administration to cope with.  That means we need to start thinking about potential Presidential aspirants also — and I’m not just talking about Hillary.

We’ll have two years to figure out who best to put against the demagogic Messiah.   As I’ve mentioned to some, my personal choice is Mitch Daniels, the spectacular former mayor of Indianapolis and now Governor of Indiana.   Daniels took 80% of the Indiana vote in 2008 — the same year that Obama won in Indiana.  He is a special guy and very competent.

But I wanted to start out by looking at the Fat Man, because he too rocks.  Those of you closer to the Metropolitan area may wish to comment, but from what I’ve seen thus far, I really like this guy’s political charisma.   One last before I go.  This may be him at his best in  “telling it how it is” —

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1ksLlAi3iIc&NR=1 450 300]

God Bless you, Jersey, you may finally have a great one after a long time in the wilderness.


Gold should be pulling back here (finally).  Hang tight, as I don’t think it’s going to be much.   I will let you know when I release the hedges on ANV and SLW.

Best to you all.


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I Caint Help It…

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7R1_4h3kg0 450 300]

Mystery Solved Re: Fly’s Love for Wu Tang?


Stung by yellow-jackets on Sat-ta-day, ruined by late night inept Giants football at hostile Lukoil Stadium on Sunday, yet still I rally with room to spare for the big city meeting with the mystery ex-pro ball player and current mutliple centimillionaire.  Could be one of my biggest deals since I moved South. (drum roll)

I’m so hood, I just can’t help it, dammit.

And what’s more, the market continued to rally, including my goldbug darling ANV, much to my re-hedged chagrin.  Thanks to my selling the calls on Friday, today’s almost $1.40 (5.3%) move felt a lot more like an $0.40 move.  Ah well, we can’t all be supreme market timers can we?

I also hedged about 60% of my SLW position on Friday, but she was largely flat today.   I do expect both names to climb back down the ladder very soon.  I won’t even bother showing you ANV’s chart, but suffice it to say it looks like an arborist standing on a stepladder that’s perched on the radio tower attached to the roof dome of the Chrysler Building.   Now if  that stock gets bought out tomorrow, you will probably hear me howling in Canarsie tonight, and the Maldives.

All hedges aside, I was still up about 0.5% today, and the market is looking vaguely dispeptic.  Tomorrow the Fed will send us into choleric spasms of one form or another, I’ve no doubt, and you know I’ll be watching the dollar for another breakdown from the $81 mark, like we briefly saw the other day.

That could set us off again to bulltard land, as I’ve been trying to relay to the agnostic bearish among us.   What’s more, f we do look like it’s run-time, it won’t just be the metals.   Yes, ENTR looks like it’s coiling for another sky-blast too.  And if you still have CMI, well, keep it as well, ey?

Best to you all, my wooties.


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Drive by Gloating

Ironic commentary from left-wack0 Ted Rall, circa November 2008.


Just a quick, drive-by Mac-10 gloat on some of these magnificent late summer calls, right in the middle of the doom-and-gloom apoplexy, I might add.

If I were gloating.

Which I am, to some extent.  Just to review, SLW is still my favourite precious metal stock, but even I– with my already naturally large head– have to step back in awe and admiration at this ANV 200-day touch call. 

If you missed it, don’t feel bad, as I made a much bigger deal of it amongst the refined moneyed gentlemen of The PPT.  If they missed it, well, I blame the Monsieur, who hates l’or for some odd reason.

I only hope he does not feel the same about l’argent, and that he breaks from his stubborn bear-shitterishness soon, and joins the rest of the crewe in rich bloggy coin banquing. 

And just in case you think the condition of my cup over-flowething is just a shiny metal condition, check out what this other Jacksonian has been doing as of late.  Can you say BTFO, Mister ANDE?

And yes, that’s a $47.00 target… near term indeuuuuud!

Now stop being such a piker and join The PPT.  We need more Precious Pride in that forum anyway.  Why let old Hawaii Five-O and East Hampton Brucie get all the glory?  That’s just unfairness, plain and simple.

Best to you all.



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Dollar Bomb, Silver’s On

 Silver Surfer

Can you handle it?


Not as well known a ditty as “Red sun at night, sailor’s delight,” but far more remunerative.  

First, my apologies for not being able to interact last night save by teeny tiny Crackberry screen, which after a day of meetings off-site (I am on the coast now), left my weary eyes strained.   I’ve never actually attempted to post from a hand-held device, save for comments, and I’m wondering if any of my fellow bloggers have. 

No matter, I’m here briefly to let you know we are at an inflection point, in case you haven’t noticed.  The dollar has broken some significant support levels at $82, and I think it’s next stop — and quickly there- will be $80.   I think old Ben has finally gone and done it and broken the bank.  Your only respite will be equities an precious metals in the near term.   For the long term it will be only the latter, I’m afraid. 

In the meantime, as it always seems to happen, I am enjoying “large phallused gains” in almost every category of my holdings, but none more so than the precious, and specifically silver and gold.   One of my correspondants was wondering about possibly putting on some more IAG exposure for the short term rebound.  Now would be that time, young chappo. 

Also, all the silver gods and dogs should move today and through this expansion as silver has easily crushed the $20 resistance mark and is now back on its way to all time highs.  I may take this opportunity to add some leverage to my holding through some DEC call action on SLW.  I may add also to some “permanent options” like EXK and GSS.

In short, the PM’s are like fat, slow blind juicy turkeys out there and you are armed with a blunderbuss on the third week of November.  Go forth pilgrim, and pacify.


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Viva Le Boycotte Francais!

French babe

Apologies, Madmoiselle, you are not welcome here!  Allez!

Word has come down from on high: Le français est interdit!!

Many apologies to those who may enjoy the French, or the French Canuckistanians who often drop by in passing, as their langue – il est “banned.”

Le langue d’amour is especially verboten (no worries, that’s la langue Allemande) in association with mention of large, arse-kicking, three-digit wins in such names as ENTR, SQM and CMI.  No more, mon Capitain.


Pay attention now, because this is important.  Flibberty gibbeting about with “we’re crashing, no, we’re rocketing” is fun, if you have the time, but paying attention to secular bulls on pullback pays cash money every time.  

Right now is one of those times.  Gnashing your teeth about missing the (oft-preambled) stratospheric rise in ANV and SLW?  Curious about RGLD and EXK?   PAAS and EGO?  

Now is your time to step up and contribute to your  fortune.   Stop screwing around and get serious already.

That is all.




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