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Mourning in America?

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_YXqf_6ug54 450 300]


There are some who would scoff at U.S. politics, and claim “there’s no difference, they’re all alike.” 

But most likely, it’s those of you who were in shit-pants when Jimmy Carter and his foggy crew ruled the waves and admonished us to wear sweaters and snap out of our distaste for price controls and overregulation.  Heck, even I barely remember those bad ole days, but I remember them sucking.

Then we washed that crap right out of our hair with just the right guy at just the right time.   A lot of us grew up in the light of that re-dedication to free-enterprise, strong markets and strong defense.   We were like fish swimming in clean water, not really knowing what pollution even smelled like.

But then we got lazy, and cynical.   We started to take things for granted.   We noted how well even the Clinton years went — after the Great Man had left and his weak sister Veep had taken over to less than spectacular result.   Heck, weak sister Veep raised taxes and then Bill Clinton, his successor, did too.  Sure, we flirted with disaster with that passive-agressive lefty President, but the election of 1994 set everything aright again.   With a split government (Congress GOP, Executive Dem), the introduction of the Internet, the disappearance of the USSR and the subsequent boom that newly-lowered capital gains had engendered made us  think we were nearly invulnerable to that Carter malaise from so long ago.

But all good things come to an end, and there’s no paradise on this earth, is there?

Just as the bubble popped and we entered recession, we were treated to a hotly disputed Executive election, where Son of Reagan’s Veep took the reigns amidst an economic turndown and soon after, great national tragedy.   War followed, and greater recrimination, and along with war spending came more domestic spending, including additions to Medicare that would prove egregiously expensive.  

Even with the 2003 tax cuts in place, the economy healing and unemployment low, the deficits continued  to climb to hundreds of millions a year.   Our government continued to collectively push an easy money policy both to assist the economic recovery, and more nefariously, to achieve its goals of increased home ownership — the same stated plan that some claim led to the first great market crash and subsequent Great Depression

By 2004, the Republicans that had seized power on the notion of smaller government had become the Establishment.  The myth that deficits could be financed into perpetuity as long as rates remained low and the economy kept growing became entrenched.  The U.S. Congress became a pig fest, and conservatives began abandoning their party in disgust.   In 2006, that disgust and the desire to balance out a War President with a Congressional counter brought Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid to power in the U.S. Congress.

This did little to help our deficits, as you can see, and in fact led to policies that would almost ensure a bad ending for our housing bubble, while affording the government-first types the cover of a war and an economic foreboding to add their own Executive — another government-firster–  to the already boiling mixture.


The Fall of 2008 brought financial market crisis like we had not seen since 1987, and it was accompanied by great uncertainty and subsequent unprecedented Congressional  and Treasury action.   It also brought us a combined and unconstrained government that sought to fundamentally unmoor — or perhaps complete the unmooring– of the United States from its Constitutional underpinnings.

Here we are, almost four years into the Pelosi-Reid era, and two years into a very busy Obama Presidency, and the people haave grown tired already of this heavy mantle of “change.”   Some may cynically claim there is no difference with whom is entrusted the power of government, but I think history tells us different.

I have no doubt we will continue to make mistakes as a people, but I also have no doubt that this great document that was left to us will allow us to set those mistakes aright once again.  The sovereignty of the people and the right to free use of their private property is the foundation of this great Republic, and those tenets have not been completely quashed yet.   The people own this country, like no country ever in the history of the world.  And the people will take this country back from those in elected office who would wrest it’s responsiblities and freedoms from them.  

 November is coming, my friends, and thank God for that:

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6weDMH-SCOE 450 300]

My best to you all, and thanks for your weekend attention.


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Le Dollar, She is Do-lo-rous

The Quandry


The $HUI, he is glo-rious. 

The Fly, he is un-der the bus.

The Man, he is Chuck Nor-ius.

You’ll lose teeth if you

Neglect to floss.


Be at peace if you have no gold

This might not be the time to hold


The oscillators all grow old

And all my calls have since been sold.


Check the graph if you have the mind

To see the $HUI crescent’s very rind

That’s flashed to me the warning sign

To take my nuggets off the line,

Chunk my Barca-lounger…

lever, and… recline.


Now, as a caveat, I’ll have you know

If the buck stays under the weekly low

Price at $80’s recent undertow–

Then I’ll be next to risk a throw

On Sainted Saxon Knight…

Lord Ivanhoe!


Good day to you, sir!


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Frustration Rage

Bad Teacher

I’ve been in a frustration rage all night, dealing with a specific teacher from my kid’s new school.  I knew this clown was going to be trouble when we were ushered into his classroom on “Parent-Teacher Intro Night.”

First sign of a problem– his advanced (freshman) Biology classroom is festooned with Star Wars and Lord of the Rings paraphenalia.  It’s so chock-a-block with Lucasfilm and Tolkien goo-gaws that you get to mixing up your Yodas and your Gollums as your eye flits from poster to plasticine sculpture to quarter-scale Death Star diorama.

Now don’t get me wrong, I’m as big a nostalgia geek as the next guy, but when a dude who is supposed to be in a position of authority starts taking on the trappings of his 14-year old charges in an “I’m gonna be your buddy, see?” fashion, my inner alarm-bells start ringing.

And of course this decorating style, along with his “wildly enthusiastic wide-eyed and energized” schtick is all just a big passive- aggressive foil. You see, he’s really been put on the planet to show all these AP-level kids how freaking lazy they’ve been all their lives and what a real boot-camp ass-kicking class is like, courtesy of his over-caffeinated, Napoleanic personality.  You see, they may all be going places, but this day, they’re his!

But that’s not the worst of it.  The worst is his bizarre insistence on using all these notoriously buggy “cloud computing” academic “aides” in order to process simple things like homework essays. 

So if have been stupid enough to encourage your kid to read books and play sports instead of staying in his roomand learning to dissasemble his PC (blindfolded),  guess who become the guinea pig in the great “figure out how this new-fangled 64-bit double-key encrypted 16 password entry bullshit works” process?

Hint — it’s not dear old Mom.

So here I am writing my post at post-midnight because I spent much of the evening visiting 53 separate websites and checking nine different on-line syllabus entries to find the proper “log-in information” so my son could submit his quotidian two page homework essay “the modern way.”

In case you were wondering (I know you are lock-jawed asleep right now),  that way was “late” — as we didn’t get it into the bullshit cloud computing thingamijig (it allegedly checks for plagiarization, spooky, no?) until after the 10 pm deadline.

So I just e-mailed the damn paper to the geeky homunculus, 1998-style.  I am hoping he bitches me out about it.  Look for the results in the local paper, “Violent Crimes, unsolved” — section.


The Dollar is down below $81, as forewarned, thanks to Ben doing as much cocaine as my son’s Bio teacher, and now the buck looks headed for the “neckline” of a pretty dismal head and shoulders pattern.  More important to me than that (imho) bogus pattern is the return to the 38.2% fibonacci level after bouncing off it once already and not quite making it all the way to the 61.8% only to feel the tug of gravity all over again.

This second return may force the break we’ve been talking about, or it may simply be grounds for another bounce. Because of the relative overbot nature of my silver and gold plays, I’m hedging right now for the latter, but I will not rule out the former. Check the dollar weekly (weakly?) one more time and see if you can see a near term return to the $77-78 level in its future:

Yours in the fight against overzealous teacher-tyranny,



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I Caint Help It…

[youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7R1_4h3kg0 450 300]

Mystery Solved Re: Fly’s Love for Wu Tang?


Stung by yellow-jackets on Sat-ta-day, ruined by late night inept Giants football at hostile Lukoil Stadium on Sunday, yet still I rally with room to spare for the big city meeting with the mystery ex-pro ball player and current mutliple centimillionaire.  Could be one of my biggest deals since I moved South. (drum roll)

I’m so hood, I just can’t help it, dammit.

And what’s more, the market continued to rally, including my goldbug darling ANV, much to my re-hedged chagrin.  Thanks to my selling the calls on Friday, today’s almost $1.40 (5.3%) move felt a lot more like an $0.40 move.  Ah well, we can’t all be supreme market timers can we?

I also hedged about 60% of my SLW position on Friday, but she was largely flat today.   I do expect both names to climb back down the ladder very soon.  I won’t even bother showing you ANV’s chart, but suffice it to say it looks like an arborist standing on a stepladder that’s perched on the radio tower attached to the roof dome of the Chrysler Building.   Now if  that stock gets bought out tomorrow, you will probably hear me howling in Canarsie tonight, and the Maldives.

All hedges aside, I was still up about 0.5% today, and the market is looking vaguely dispeptic.  Tomorrow the Fed will send us into choleric spasms of one form or another, I’ve no doubt, and you know I’ll be watching the dollar for another breakdown from the $81 mark, like we briefly saw the other day.

That could set us off again to bulltard land, as I’ve been trying to relay to the agnostic bearish among us.   What’s more, f we do look like it’s run-time, it won’t just be the metals.   Yes, ENTR looks like it’s coiling for another sky-blast too.  And if you still have CMI, well, keep it as well, ey?

Best to you all, my wooties.


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To $1,300… and Beyond!

Not quite Infinity… but Bloody Close!


Much to the bear-shitters’ chagrin, gold is continuing to break out.   Don’t believe me?  Look for yourself (see below).  My target is a bit past $1,300 per ounce for the near term, and then we should finally get some pullback.   At least, that’s what I’m hoping for because I’ve started hedging my ANV and this could get enraging if it continues to march skyward.   Here’s the gold price daily:


Crazy, no?  Well you should see silver, which has contracted it’s egregious price ratio with gold, but still stands well over 50x at 56x+ the price of gold.   Better than the 70x+ it was stalled at when I was screaming at you to buy it, but then, the world need bearded ditch diggers too, doesn’t it?

I also see a pullback coming in the miners, which will largely coincide with the near-term top in gold projected above.  The $HUI is really just a hairsbreadth from all time highs, and it too will likley break those highs before pulling back and making new bulls scream.  Note the pretty pictures:

This has been a fun ride, hasn’t it?  Who knows, maybe the Tea Party will toss all the Dems out of Congress on Nov 3rd and start their first session by making the official currency a one ounce U.S. coin with the Dog Sledder’s likeness on one side and a large glass of bourbon on the other? 

One can dream can’t one?   Best to you, my fellow idealists for liberty.


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Drive by Gloating

Ironic commentary from left-wack0 Ted Rall, circa November 2008.


Just a quick, drive-by Mac-10 gloat on some of these magnificent late summer calls, right in the middle of the doom-and-gloom apoplexy, I might add.

If I were gloating.

Which I am, to some extent.  Just to review, SLW is still my favourite precious metal stock, but even I– with my already naturally large head– have to step back in awe and admiration at this ANV 200-day touch call. 

If you missed it, don’t feel bad, as I made a much bigger deal of it amongst the refined moneyed gentlemen of The PPT.  If they missed it, well, I blame the Monsieur, who hates l’or for some odd reason.

I only hope he does not feel the same about l’argent, and that he breaks from his stubborn bear-shitterishness soon, and joins the rest of the crewe in rich bloggy coin banquing. 

And just in case you think the condition of my cup over-flowething is just a shiny metal condition, check out what this other Jacksonian has been doing as of late.  Can you say BTFO, Mister ANDE?

And yes, that’s a $47.00 target… near term indeuuuuud!

Now stop being such a piker and join The PPT.  We need more Precious Pride in that forum anyway.  Why let old Hawaii Five-O and East Hampton Brucie get all the glory?  That’s just unfairness, plain and simple.

Best to you all.



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